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Kerry is a male prostitute working at House of Prodigal Sons. He is very much like our boss in our company ! And we are always teased by our boss for our lack of ability rolling our jobs. One day we spent all our money and bought the membership rights of House of Prodigal Sons and appointed Kerry to revenge our boss in our brains. ------------------------------ ケリーは「放蕩息子の館」で働く男の娘メイドだ。彼は俺達の会社の上司にそっくりだった。俺達はその上司から常に叱責され鬱憤が溜まっていた。ある日、なけなしの金をはたいて館の会員権を買った。上司の代わりにケリーに日頃の鬱憤を晴らすためだ・・・



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