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Good evening folks, ol’ Scriptor here with the latest dev news!

Game development

I’ve been hard at work making the new base assets for the convent area, having finalized most of the base NPCs and Kat’s “initiate” outfit there: Last week was mainly one of preparatory work for the upcoming update, meaning I’ve made been making the “main” NPCs Kathleen will encounter at the convent, getting her “initiate” outfit ready and finalizing my ideas for the events which will take place in the shiny nunnery. 👀

Especially Kat’s “initiate” outfit was quite a hurdle, since it featured a rather difficult bondage contraption to fit/weigh to the base genesis 8 figure. I’ll spare you folks the technical talk; but it required me to do a lot of custom weight mapping and fiddling... Though the result feels well worth it, since we couldn’t do without this particular piece of bondage @rubber convent. What’s the contraption you might ask? Well, let’s just say it’s something that makes sure Kat’s arms are always in a praying position... >;3

Besides the above mentioned contraption I also made some metalwork for Kat’s “initiate” outfit, and a pretty pendant which every sister at the convent now wears. Said pendant’s pretty important for the place’s plot, but more about that in a later dev update! Anyhow the plan for this week is getting started on the convent’s scene(s); the “induction” scene (in which Kathleen gets dressed up) being the first that I’ll tackle. Aiming to have (if possible) that scene completely rendered by the end of this week. 💪

Time for the teasers!


And to kick off this dev cycle we’ve got teasers of Kat’s initiate outfit @rubber convent! A restrictive yet also skin-tight (even skin showing(!)) outfit, it’s designed to make sure the wearer doesn’t touch anything they’re not supposed to... Including themselves. 😏 😋

And that’s all for this dev update, see you peeps at the next one coming Wednesday!




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/73Bzk5KeaX



Dylan Wolf

Instead of praying three times a day as usual, Kathleen prays all the time. A brilliant idea, I like it.


The texture on the corset is freaking awesome I love the pattern.