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Evening folks, Scriptor here with today’s dev new bulletin!

Hope ya’ll had (or are having) a nice Sunday; I myself have been spending it watching the new fallout show currently airing on tv. Gotta say it’s pretty good, though I haven’t seen a sl*ve collar nor mesmetron yet... Ah well, fingers crossed they pop in one of the final episodes. 👀

So V0.29.5 of No escape: Game edition has released last Friday for Tier III! Release went (largely) without a hitch, though it did need a hotfix or two; so be sure to get those as well. Reception was warm, and I’ve heard especially a lot of positive sounds on the drone extension and Jules bad end. Though on the latter there were also some sounds that folks would’ve liked to see the (off-screen) transformation scene. Or more of the bordello (and the gals/clients) that inhabit it. Both very fair pieces of feedback, and after some deliberation I’ve decided to add them to the long-term quality-of-life list... So something for the next big quality-of-life update. ;3

Next update (V0.30.1) will be a “regular” one again though; and focus on moving things forward in the fantasy rpg VR-world. As such the list of major additions for this one is:

- Adding in the rubber covenant east of town; which will feature a playable fail-state(!)

- Add in another “common” enemy to the woodlands, which will act as the final hurdle before Kathleen reaches the ruined castle dungeon.

- Add in a fail-state for the above “common” enemy.

Bit of a short list, but then again one of those additions will be another playable fail-state and those are always quite the big undertaking. Still, I’m itching to get started on it ever since teasing it back in V0.28.1... So needless to say that’s also the first thing that I’ll be diving into this dev cycle. >;3

My plan for the coming week is getting some of the most “important” assets ready for the rubber covenant area; which means diving into Blender/DAZ as I fiddle with Kathleen’s “initiate” outfit, bondage contraptions, NPC designs and general ideas for the place. There will be no dev update this Wednesday as I’ll likely don’t have anything juicy to show yet; though come Sunday it’s back into the regular dev update schedule. 💪

And finally: A “fun” poll will be going up this Wednesday to see which one of the fail-states currently in the game you folks enjoy the most! Really curious to see which one will be the ultimate winner this time around, last time it was Rose’s slave maid bad end. Let’s see if that one still reigns supreme! >;3

That’s all for this update, have a good Sunday and catch you peeps next time!




The Trap Queen

Oh La La! The much awaited spectacle is finally coming to fruition. Magnifiek!


Nice to see more of the Jules "bad" end on the quality of life list. I'd say this was a perfect update and we just couldn't get enough :). Looking forward to the next update!


I dunno if this already falls into the above but "oh you wake up in the suit bad endings" seems to be more prevalent type of ending. Would like to see more of jackel ending fight to be more piecemeal limb body disablement rather than absorption which the golem ending does.