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Good evening all, Scriptor here with the latest dev news bulletino!

Game development

All the loanshark stuff has been implemented into the game; pushing the upcoming version in the beta phase: It’s currently undergoing playtesting as I’m making this dev update; with the first runs showing its largely stable with no (major) weirdness popping up. Which is always a good sign (lol)! There are still some quality-of-life improvements I want to work on before dropping the update to you folks, which is what I’ll be doing in the coming few days. 💪

Also after (heavy) consideration; I’ve decided against pushing to add in some extra joocy stuff for Thronvine in the coming week (before release). Opting instead to use this time to give the upcoming patch a SOLID polishing layer, and do some more quality-of-life improvements. I know there were some of you folks looking forward to see Thornvine receive some love as well (in this quality-of-life patch); so sorry for making you “happy with a dead bird” (as we say in the Netherlands)...

That said there’s always the next quality-of-life patch! Though it will probably be a while before I do another one, since once V0.29.5 out of the door it’s back into moving things forward in the fantasy RPG VR-world: The rubber covenant there is itching for new believers after all... >;3

But more about that once V0.29.5 has been released. Speaking of which: No escape: Game edition V0.29.5 is still on schedule to be released coming Friday (19th of April) for Tier III!

And that’s about all I have to report today, time for the teasers!


More in-game teasers of the loanshark stuff! The first easer sees Jules and Jewel in-game with Kathleen just having gotten a loan of Jules, and Jewel promising to keep a totes super close eye on Kat. As for the other two teaser this time around...

Well, I think they largely speak for themselves. 😏 >;3

(Damnit, seems like there’s some foliage right over the good bit in one of the teasers! If there was only a version in which a leafblower had swiped away all those leaves... https://mega.nz/file/5uwhRRrJ#0L-4dGZ3spNOkpw4BF63yn5Ja0J3QgFkJL9RSjxh70E )

And that’s all for this dev update, see you all Wednesday at the last one of this dev cycle! ^^




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): Send me a PM for the link! ^^




Woot! Awesome stuff can’t wait to see it all in game!


I would caution against revisiting completed VR worlds often. I have seen way too many games spiraling into development hell because the devs tried to accommodate every single idea and/or theme the fans want. If you have a good idea, maybe set it aside for a new VR world or a dlc add on to the original. If you have a clear goal and end towards the game, work to that first.


I see the point you're making; and I agree with the both the sentiment and the pitfall there. 💪 That said I don't see anything wrong with doing a quality-of-life update every blue moon or so; since they do help me plug some (very) important holes from previous dev cycles. If I don't then these will keep starting to pile up; which is the other side of the pitfall. 😬 Rest assured though that I will keep the quality-of-life updates sporadically: Last one was on September the 25th of 2022, keeping with that schedule it will be a while before I do the next one... 😉😋