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Good afternoon folks, Scriptor here with the latest exclusive dev news! ^^

Game development

I’ve finished up all the remaining images of the new epilogue aboard the prisonship; writing and implementing it tomorrow into the game: 45 base images and lo and behold that during this epilogue Kathleen retains enough of her mental faculties to do something else that mindlessly drool out of her mouth... If only barely, since the simulations did still manage to run quite a number on her. >;3

As such there will be (small) con and not-so-con variants for this epilogue, though the focus remains on the “storage” process and Kathleen’s eventual induction into the deep storage. Which by its namesake is somewhere deep in the darkest bowls of the ship... Let’s hope the twins don’t “accidentally” mess up the tags and leave her stranded there with no way out; outside of manual retrieval (which I doubt will happen anytime soon)!

Besides this I’ve also done some (important) quality-of-life stuff for the upcoming build last week; something long overdue but now finally added to the game is that you can play the “playable” fail-states in their entirety from the recall rooms as well! And I’ve also done typo corrections, so many, many typo corrections... 😬

Anyhow schedule for next week is implementing the new epilogue and working on the “loanshark” NPC (and his assistant); together with making the custom bondage for his scenes in Blender. I’m still set for a release mid-April and this “loanshark” NPC is the last “big” addition I want to add in this dev cycle (besides some more love for the fuckpillow fail-state @Thornvine). Afterwards it’s only some more quality-of-life stuff and polishing; expect the “official” ETA for V0.29.5 to be announced somewhere in the coming two weeks. 💪

Onto the teasers!


Zoe: “Well sis, I’ve got to say I like her much better this way... and a lot less whiny~”

Eve: “I know Zoe, and completely yet-black is a color that suits her better too~”

Eve: “Now all that remains is sending her butt to deep storage. Have you filled in the storage bay coordinates?”

Zoe: “Yup, plus also made the ‘mistake’ of not setting a retrieval date nor catalog details.”

Zoe: “So if somebody wants to retrieve her ass from there...”

Zoe: “I wish them good luck in actually FINDING her~”

And that’s all for this dev update, see you folks this Sunday at the next one! :3




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): Send me a message for the link! ^^




Lovely very lovely! Can’t wait to see what else you have cooked up!


this looks great! But on the note of typo corrections, one of the twins says "yet-black" instead of "jet-black" ;).