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Evening all, Scriptor here with the latest dev newsss!

Game development

I’ve setup the escape sequence scene for the cowgirls, made a small start with it and plan to get those images done in the first part of this week. Like every good villain the cowgirls first leave Kathleen alone for a bit to get the stuff ready for her “introduction” into the heifer herd, which of course allows her a chance to get herself out of the mess she’s fallen into. However the cowgirls are a bit more “cautious” than their colleagues in the desert, so it’s not only rope which Kathleen will be bound with during this sequence… See the teasers below. >;3

So unfortunately for Kat, she’ll have to find her way out of there with the hood on, meaning that her vision will be quite limited! I’ve also got a fun idea on how to incorporate this into the gameplay; though I’ll hold off on spoiling this until I’ve got some more images done for the sequence (read: this Wednesday).

All-in-all I’m aiming to have most (if possible all) images for the cowgirl escape sequence done by Wednesday, so afterwards I can focus on the attached hucow bad end. Really wanna get working on that suit design in Blender, ‘s about high time I did some hucow stuff. 👀💯

Oh and on the Lara snek comic front; I’ve been working on that one today as well, having setup the first of the two scenes for chapter 4: Said scene’s looking pretty good and preliminary grain checks show no major issues, meaning I can start pumping out the images for the first half of the fourth chapter next weekend as well. Aiming to show you guys (and gals) a teaser of it next Sunday! ;3

And now onto today’s teasers!


Kathleen: “Mfffffghhh!”

Cow girl: “Yeah, yeah, I know it’s not comfortable being dragged but quit your complaining, I’m the one who’d to tow your ass all the way back here after all…”


Cow girl: “There, comfortable?”

Kathleen: “Nfffffghhhh!”

Cow girl: “Too bad, you’ll stay here while I and my friends get your spot in the barn ready. Oh, and just to make sure-“


Cow girl: “There, now we know FOR SURE you’re not getting away. I reckon the ropes are enough to keep you in place, but something tells me you’re a crafty one… So better make sure.”


And that’s all for this dev update, see you folks Wednesday at the next one!




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/Fdu8hYUYbu




Chains and collar always nice to see^^.