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Heya all, a (largely) revived Scriptor here. :’]

I’m doing a lot better compared to Monday, though still pretty lethargic all around. Turned out it was indeed something I at; had the town doc over and he confirmed it was food poisoning. Stuff’s sure no joke either, and not something I ever wanna experience again haha! 😅

I’ll be taking it easy for the remainder of the day to get the last bit of fatigue/illness out of my system. Hopefully come tomorrow I’ll be fully recovered and fully back into the saddle; at which you guys can expect a (long overdue) dev update (with the regular kinky teasers) as well. ;3

In any case this was just a small message to confirm that I’m still alive, and of course also thank you to all those who left me a get-well-soon message. I really appreciate it! ^^ 💯





Good to hear you’re doing better. I’ve had food poisoning a few times. The runs coming out of both ends at the same time is the suck!!