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Good evening people, ol’ Scriptor here with the latest dev news bulletin! ;3

Game development

I’m about to wrap up with the cumtank fail-state images, only needing about ~3 more to give it a proper send-off: The fail-state itself will focus mostly on the “action aspect” of the dolls (which feels appropriate, since they’re literal walking sex dolls for Primrose haha), together with some fun “cumflation”. ^^

Tomorrow work will start on the day event/serving tasks images, which will see Kathleen doing her various tasks around the estate. Like with most other serving side-quests I want to split this across three separate events, with each their own little mini-game/focus. We’ll be starting at the stables; since somebody’s got to take care of Violet’s pretty fillies, and Kathleen’s not in a position to refuse. 😏😉

However before this I’ll also need to have a good look on Kathleen’s “uniform” during Thornvine’s serving route: The outfits of “maids-in-training” is both more and less restrictive than those of the Slave maids, so while Kahleen’s in control of her own actions, it doesn’t mean she gets to move around easily… You guys can expect a teaser of the outfit this Wednesday. >;3

Onto the teasers!


More teasers of the cumtank fail-state! Taking Kathleen by the reigns, Primrose is eager to have a good look on her newest toy… Seems those padded boobs it sports are even bigger than those of Prim herself! :’)

That’s all for this dev update, see you guys Wednesday as usual!




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): Send me a PM for the link! ^^




Hello, I must say that I love your game... but I miss translations into other languages. I know a game called (Broken Dreams Correctional Center) that uses an automatic translator, the game is entirely open source. Link to the game: https://rahimew.itch.io/bdcc I wanted to know if it would be possible to implement this automatic translator in your game, so that other people can play it without problems. Link to game codes: https://github.com/Alexofp/BDCC


I'm sorry if I'm being rude or demanding, but I would really love it if you put this translator in the game.


Heya! You’re by no means rude or demanding in this message, no worries about that. 😉 But localization of other languages will only be implemented towards the end of the game: Firstly, because it’s a lot of work (and I mean a lot) of work translating every bit of dialogue/text from the game into a different language. For reference; the Primrose fail-state was around ~3500 words alone, multiply that by the amount of bad ends currently in the game (about 18 if I remember correctly(?)) and that’s the dialogue for the bad ends alone. That’s also discounting all the other dialogue, events, battles and other stuff containing text. Secondly, because of the above (and my lackluster language skills outside of English) I plan on outsourcing localization to external 3rd party services once the game’s (about) done. Doing this for every update isn’t really viable (for multiple reasons) either.


And finally, that plugin probably works great for that game… But it runs on a completely different code/engine, so implementing that into rpgmaker MV isn’t going to work (easily). Compare it to taking a Skyrim mod and implementing it into the Wither 3.:Maybe possible with some (heavy) caveats… but I wouldn’t recommend trying it. 😋 All the above isn’t to say I don’t understand your want for localization; I understand that people (especially those who find English difficult) would like to see the game in their native language… But that’s just isn’t viable for me to implement at the moment. For now No escape will remain English only; language localization will be implemented towards the end of development.