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Heya people, Scriptor here with the latest dev news! ^^

Plans for V0.27.1 and (animation stuff)

With V0.26.3.2 out of the door the "combat path" through Thornvine is considered finished for now. Now that the traps are implemented I feel the route has enough going for it to make it interesting, though there are still a plethora of cool things that could be added. However Thornvine is meant of a “one-shot” type of thing so I don’t want to make it overly big either. So with that in mind we’ll be moving over to the other path through Thornvine; the “serving” route!

The name itself says pretty much exactly what the route will revolve around; with Kathleen being enrolled as an “inductee maid” until Violet has decided as to what her permanent role within the Estate will be. Just like with the regular bosses of the bigger VR-worlds this will see Kathleen doing various tasks during the day, while also cooking up with an escape plan to leave Thornvine before Violet decides on what she’ll do with our poor Kat!

The above together with two juicy fail-states is where my focus will be for V0.27.1. If possible I’d like this one finished in one patch, which I feel should be possible, since a lot of the groundwork (maps and such) for Thornvine have already been laid in the V0.26.x builds of the game. As such V0.27.1 will (at least) contain the following:

- The (if possible) entire “serving” route, which will revolve around serving as an “inductee maid” at Thornvine.

- Three day tasks for the above, which will see Kathleen doing various tasks around the estate, while also trying to fly under violet’s radar as much as possible (or not). >;3

- One fail-state which will revolve around pony-play.

- One fail-state which revolve around Primrose’s cum tanks (introduced in V0.26.3).

- And some misc. stuff to tie the above all together.

First up from this list will be the pony-play fail-state; mainly the rubber pony outfit those babes will wear. I’ll be tackling that first thing next week in Blender, since that one will be the most work (or so I expect). The rest of this week will be spend on the cumdump doll animation project; I want to make some more solid progress on that one and start pumping out frames for it ASAP, since there will be likely a lot. ;3 ^^

That’s all for this dev update! No teasers this time around, though I reckon that Sunday I will have some juicy stuff to show off. See you guys then!




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): Send me a PM for the link! ^^



well, looks like Cum Tank is happening!>:P


Will it be the last update on the Thorvine world ? And by the way I'm really excited about that new animation !


If I can push in the entire serving path (which is the goal), then yup! Afterwards we'll either head straight for the next "big" VR-world, or do a big "Quality of Life update like last summer (since this year's summer's fast approaching again). ^^💯