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Heyooo peeps, Scriptor here with the latest dev news!

Game development/Plans for May

Last Friday V0.26.1 of No escape has released for Tier III, the first part of Thornvine Estate being added to the game. It’s been a long ass time coming, so I’m glad to finally have (the largest part) of the combat path out of the door. ^^

There are still some placeholders here and there (mainly the traps and last part of the combat route) which I intend to fill before moving onto the “serving route” inside the Estate. Luckily these are a lot less work than fully fledged fail-states and battles, so the build containing these should also likewise drop a lot sooner than usual: I’m aiming to make another release containing all the combat route placeholder stuff somewhere middle-to-end May for Tier III. Once that’s done the combat route is fully finished, and focus can shift on the “serving route” inside Thornvine Estate. 💪

Besides this I’m also wrapping up another small side-project of mine (image sequence + small 20 second animation); which one will drop somewhere in the coming week for Tier I. And I also want to take a small part of May to do some long overdue self-study; with focus on practicing animation. With any lucky luck this self-study should provide for another juicy/fun extra coming month has well. ;3

So yeah, all-in-all an interesting month coming up. No dev update this Wednesday; though the regular schedule will resume itself on the next Sunday. See you guys then!





Sounds good! Take care of yourself. Your game is amazing!