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Ave senators!

See the links for V0.26.1 of No escape: Game edition! The changelog provided in the .rar contains an overview of all the changes and additions, but in a nutshell: Thornvine Estate has been added to the game, together with most of the combat route, two enemies, one regular fail-state and one playable fail-state! (It’s also still a bit rough around the edges, so expect a bug or two here and there!) 😅

To open Thornvine Estate; you’ll need to go have a chat with Jack after finding the breach inside the Cybercitycity VR-world. After some plot stuff he’ll unlock the next VR-world for you. It can be found in the room next to the other two gateways. >;3

It was a hella long dev cycle, so I’m glad to finally have the biggest portion of the combat path out of the door. I’ll be wrapping up all placeholders on the combat path in the coming month together with making a small release containing these. Afterwards it’s onwards to the serving route inside the place!

In any case I Hope you guys enjoy the update, be sure to let me hear your thoughts!


Bugfix version is out, pick it up here: https://scriptor.fanbox.cc/posts/5838935









So just to confirm the traps will be added in the next update? whats the time frame on that? I might wait to play till the traps are added so I can get the full experience in one go.


Yup, between 3-4 ones that will all hook into the playable maid fail-state. Bit hard to give an exact estimation; but I'm aiming for about 2-3 weeks? In any case definitely before May's over, that much I can guarantee. 💪💯