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Heya people, just a small update that the fever’s broken and I’m back in the land of the living!

Don’t get me wrong: I still feel pretty bad and I’ve got one nasty cough for sure, but at least I’m no feel too sick for some (kinky) work. Also thank you to all who left me a get-well-soon message; it fills my disease ridden bones with warmth when seeing those. (Hopefully that isn’t the fever coming back lmao.) 😅^^

Anyhow today I’ll be working through my mail/message box first, before diving into DAZ to finish up those final few images for the Fuckpillow bad end. Goal is to have those finished up by this evening (if possible), so that next week I can start putting it all into the game. More about that this Sunday!





Glad to hear you’re feeling better. But please don’t push yourself!


Nothing is more important than your health. I bet it makes much more fun to work at your game, when your body get its power back again. So take your time Scriptor. All the best!