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Good evening all, Scriptor here with the (late) Sunday news! 😜

Game development

After the immense headache of yesterday I’ve managed to fit/rig the entire “fuckpillow princess” suit to Kat: I will save you guys the technical mumbo-jumbo, but man was my patience gone yesterday haha! Again sorry for the rant; I let my frustration get the best of me, plus I really wanted to show you guys some cool fuck-nugget stuff, but the software just wouldn’t play ball. :[

After a slight workaround today (fitting the seam to the genesis 8 character underneath the suit instead of the suit itself) it did work, and the rest of the modelling process went (luckily) without a hitch. I still have no idea why that particular shoulder seam was such an issue, but stuff works so I’m happy. Let’s just hope it’s not something that happens too often… 😅

Anyhow with the base “Fuckpillow princess” suit done and rigged, I can now setup Primrose’s bedroom and start pumpin’ out those fail-state images. The bad end itself will revolve heavily around body expansion, bimbofication and fucknuggets. (Amputee; no gore though!) Plus rubber. Always rubber… >;3

The goal is to have the entire fail-state done before the end of the week, since I also want to put in a (small) story scene during the coming update as well. That said if cuts have to be made so be it, since I will start coding before this month’s out (don’t want this dev cycle to drag on for too long). Story stuff can also be put in with the next dev cycle, so it’s no biggie. 💪😉

Onto the teasers!


Today we have some teasers of the completed “Fuckpillow Princess” suit! Since Primrose’s planning to add Kat to her collection of pillows PERMANENTLY, she’s opted to remove any “unnecessary” things. Pillows have no (need for) limbs after all… >;3

No “princess” can go without her tiara though! Which Primrose will also provide (together with a hot blonde wig). It also serves a more “practical” function, though I will leave it a surprise what this function exactly is. ;]

And finally a teaser of the Fuckpillow’s ample rear1 The fail-state will contain a good bit of juicy body expansion, so look forward to seeing those two puppies inflate to the shown size during the bad end! >;D

And that’s all for this dev update, see you all coming Wednesday at the next one! ^^




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): Send me a PM for the link!




i will not lie to you, but amputee is something i REALLY hate!:/ nothing against u!:P


Same, I don't mind if the limbs are bound somehow like a straitjacket or bent legs into stumps, just something about amputee is definitely unsettling for me, I know you said no blood but its still removal of limbs.


This might not help, but do remember that Kat is adventuring in a VR world so any changes to her body are only virtual and back in reality she is just fine. Like, you can imagine her missing limbs are just hanging as separate pieces in a closet somewhere, with no blood or gore involved, like its a cartoon.


I agree it’s still a vr world. Kat still has her limbs! I like the idea of this type of change inside a vr world. It changes things up. Therese a lot more world yet to go we haven’t seen or heard about yet.


Hey no worries peeps; I get that amputee (even done gore-less) isn't everybody's cup of tea. Not everybody’s interest/fetishes are exactly the same after all. 😉😋 I do admit that I’d fun making the nugget’s design though. So it’s something I’m planning to do more, albeit pretty sporadically (not too often). 💪 And as Dollmistress and Aldaira noted: Kathleen still has her limbs in the “real world”. The delimbing is also done completely off-screen, and isn’t the “real” focus of the set either; that being body expansion and bimbofication. 💄👄


yes someone with reason would recognize that too, but psychic compulsive disorders doesn't stick to reason, my eyes see missing body parts, and i'm instantly transported back to the day i lost MY legs below the shin! I'm following you mainly because I was sure I wouldn't have to see any amputations with you, that's changed now!:/ a trauma cannot be rationalized away!D:


may be the first time that I ABSOLUTELY DON'T WANT TO SEE OR PLAY A BAD END!:/ NOTHING against U!


Sorry to hear that’s happened to you Ben; I fully understand that you don’t want to play/see that bad end then. That said, it is going to be in the game, and it’s a theme I’ll (sporadically; not too often) be exploring. If this is reason for you to unfollow me, I’ll be sad to see you go, but I won’t be adjusting my content because of it. I’m also not sure how you reasoned I was against this type of content; since I never said I was against doing it. Let me be clear that I alone dictate which content I do or do not make; amputee-stuff included. And of course, nothing against you either. 💪💯


well, for example, your Pixiv stuff, not a single post was amputee related, NOT a SINGLE one, so i thought to myself, you can't send a clearer message!:P and NOPE, for me that is NOT a reason to unfollow you, just to bypass a specific bad end!:P I just hope there won't be too many of them! ;P