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Heya all, Scriptor here with the latest dev news!

Game development

I’m currently wrapping up the final images for the “introductory” part of the upcoming playable fail-state. It totals at 76 images without the con variants, so it should make for a sweet introduction for the (*chough* permanent *chouch*) maid employment Kat will face afterwards. >;3

The con variants are currently rendering as I’m typing this, so it’s all nicely on schedule as well. Originally I was going to dive straight into the work-event images after this. But I’ve done some shuffling in my schedule, so I’m first going to tackle the design of a “different” type of doll that will be found inside the estate as well… Ones that fulfill a very special role for the OTHER PERSON that inhabits Thornvine estate besides Violet. :D

Who’s this “other person” you ask? Why, it’s another one of Rose’s sisters of course! Though her personality differs quite substantially from Rose and Violet, being a much kinder and more “care-free” type of girl. Make no mistake however, she’s got an entire wing of the estate for herself together with those dolls, and that’s for a good reason… Which Kathleen will quickly find out when meeting her! >;3

However said reason (and sister) reveal will be in another dev update; for the schedule I’m aiming to have the “different” doll design done by the end of this week, which will wrap up most of the “heavy” Blender lifting for this update. Then next week I’ll be tackling the work events for the playable maid fail-state.

Onto the teasers!


Some more teasers of the “intro” scene of the upcoming playable fail-state! Seems Kathleen’s in the thick of it now, luckily she can still somewhat move her hands…

Though that too is quickly rectified by the nefarious suit! :0

And finally the full reveal of the maid suit itself, with either a very angry or very horny Kat squirming away underneath all of that rubber… Thing to note that this is also the suit’s SMALLEST size, and over the course of the playable fail-state it will expand (and pinch) in all the right places; to better suit Violet’s taste! >;3

And that’s all for this dev update, catch you all coming Sunday! ^^




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): Send me a Pixiv PM for the link! ^^




well, i know it looks different from the other maid suit we already know, but that could be easyly explained with that violet just has a different taste!:P


Can’t wait to see how this all turns out. I like the all black and purple!