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Good afternoon all, Scriptor here with the latest newsss!

Game development

Work in the past few days has been on the test subject cell; the “main” location in which Kat gets to spend her time if she does a good job! I’m saying that with quotation marks because in reality it’s not actually where Kat will be with her mind, if she opts to sleep in the bedding provided. Let’s just say I’ve been playing Cyberpunk: 2077 again, and the gameplay inside there has given me some fun ideas as how to make the erotica scenes between Kat and the S.O.P.H.I.A. a bit more interesting… You’ll see what I mean soon enough. ;3

Work on the test subject cell actually went a bit faster than expected; in no small part thanks to a deeper understanding of rigging which makes work inside DAZstudio a lot easier. I’’e also been upping my game inside Substance-painter as well, which has allowed me to make some fancy texture schemes for the cell’s walls. I’m still a bit behind schedule due to the night shifts of last week, but if I can keep this up than that backlog will dissipate soon enough. ^^

Work in the coming few days will be focused on making the night scenes inside the test subject cell; together with the one-on-one scenes of Kat and S.O.P.H.I.A. if Kat’s done a good job as a test subject. Goal is to finish up most of these before the start of the next week, so that I can start work on the location and scenes for when Kat doesn’t do a good job… >;3


*Door slaps shut behind Kathleen*

Kathleen: “F-Fuck! They really don’t want me running around this place alone at night, do they?”

Kathleen: ‘Oh wow, would you look at this place. A little bit bigger than I’d expected. And looking at the cut-out in that thing over there-‘

Kathleen: “I’m guessing that will be my ‘bed’ for the night…”

The first look inside the test subject cell! The bed might look a little simple now, but trust me when I say that it has a trick or two up its sleeve to make sure its occupant remains firmly in place during “sleep”. (Which I’ll likely show off come Sunday lol.) >;3

And finally by request of a backer inside the Discord server; here’s also a version of the animation of last Sunday centered in the screen: https://mega.nz/file/NiwBiaQZ#P5G7B66EcTCClMRa02heNkrqx4ntDSeQgWgWCHuyRdw

That’s all for this dev update, see you guys come Sunday! ^^




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/RzESaUXD2z




PEDDITION to switch "Exclusive dev update of No escape" to Thursday!:P should give you some breathing space, and reduce the stress if you take another day for it!


Hahaha that just switches the "tight" window towards the Sunday so, at the end of the line it unfortunately doesn't really make a difference (though if it could magically give me one extra day in the week that would be great). 😋🤣