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Heya everybody, Scriptor here with the latest newsssss! ^^

Game development

Work in the past few days has been on making the kitty cat sprites of Kathleen and mapping the bandit camp. When I was done making the “Muffy” sprites (check them out in the teasers), I opted to design and implement the bandit camp’s maps as well. Having the maps done will make work next week a whole lot easier; since I’ll be able to focus exclusively on making the events inside these maps (read: making the kinky cat events for the “playable” bad end). ;) ^^

Tomorrow I’ll start on the golem renders (for real), since I’m still planning on having those done before the end of the week. Stay tuned for some golem hotness come Sunday! 😋


First off, showing off the desert bandit camp! It’s a decently sized place secluded in a nice little valley with another oasis. But be careful though, as getting the attention of the bandits will result in Kat-

Becoming a rubbery cat! (Sorry but I just HAD to make that pun at some point. ;) ) The playable bed end will be very much akin to the Sweetie doll’s one: So that means fun daily (kitty) tasks for Muffy that are infinitely repeatable (once they’ve been all done once).

And finally a small easter egg of another kitty inside the bandit’s camp, which will "mysteriously" show up once you’ve sold a certain blonde lady to the bandits… >;3

That’s all for this dev update, see you guys coming Sunday! ;3




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/RzESaUXD2z




Wou the best surprise was the last picture teaser with those few words, he he . Also i do not want to sound offensive or anything like that. But if you add option to buy that slave girl back or finding her as maid and optionally able to buy petsuit seperatly, and more aviable options = those options could lead to see "revenge" or how would one saied , switched positions as the Kat could use that slave girl to make her money in the bar or other services similar what humiliation and jobs, services has Kat do for the rich lady. Or having her as pet and using her as support in the tomb / pyramid ? Whats more curious is what you left as "open doors" for the "sequel" = meaning the message or notice, list after the player or Kat found after beating the rich lady in the camp. What you have in your "sleeves" for us next time i cant wait for it hi,hi, :). Really, will we meet the domina sister of the rich lady.


Awesome!! Can’t wait for more. But I have no choice lol. Remember to take time out for yourself too!


The conveyor belts showed us that you're able to move Kat around the game map without player input. Please consider this aspect as a possible ingredient to playable bad ends. For example, after the security drone conversion bad ending, you could actually have the drone patrol the factory in a simple set pattern, battling the occasional intruder. The player would have no control over the main character any more, except perhaps to input combat commands during a fight against an intruder, but that might b an enormous amount of fun for some of your supporters. Same for the latter stages of the server drone bad ending, the bandit camp ending, golem ending, etc. :D


Yeah that note that mentions Rose's sister _will_ come into play someday down the road (*cough* in a small in-between VR-world *cough*) ;) ^^


Yeah I had ideas' about that for the security drone fail-state; very much akin to your great updated "false" ending of Space Ditz; in which you also get to patrol as a drone, loved that! 💯❤ in the end it didn't make the cut due to time constraints and feature creep, but your suggestion itself is indeed great for certain "playable" fail-states that "fully" take away control of the player. I'll keep it in mind, and (as always) thanks for the suggestion Doll! ;) ^^


I'm so glad you did this because I was thinking awhile back that something like this should have happened if we sold rose and went back or had a failed state that she should have been there or at least been part of the bad end scene.