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Heya everybody, Scriptor here with the latest news! ^^

General news

First of all let's start with a follow up on the news from last Monday. I’m doing a lot better now the initial shock is gone, and for all those who’ve left me kind messages I can only say thank you. It really means a lot to me seeing people care enough to do this, I know I say it not nearly enough as I should: But I’m glad to have you guys, I really am! 😊 💯🖤

Comic development

Progress on the comic has been pretty good in the past few days, even with all the stuff that’s happened/happening. I’m currently on page 226 and almost done with the “dark” ending of the comic (the ending that contains scat/watersports). I’ll be wrapping up the last few pages of the dark version tomorrow and afterwards tackle the light ending of the comic (the one WITHOUT any scat/watersports). No worries about picking the wrong version of the comic either; I’ve added a BIG disclaimer at the beginning of the dark version containing an universal warning sign that the comic contains scat/watersports and both versions will have their own (clearly marked) download-links. ;3

I’m still pushing for a release this Friday, however due to family matters (arranging the funeral and stuff) it *might* release a day later on Saturday. Apologies for the slight possible delay, I hope you guys can forgive me considering the circumstances. 😉

Onwards to the (final) teasers of the comic!


First up, the title page! This one will be in the “classic” comic-format (the comic’s title is still subject to change btw! >;3)

Secondly a teaser of the PoV vision inside the “doll-hole”! During the course of the story Skyler will slowly be conditioned into becoming the ultimate fuck-toy by a combination of mantras and something else…

And proper fuck toys have dick sucking lips of course! Unfortunately Skyler’s lips are a bit lacking on that front, but luckily “daddy” as something for that…

Although Skyler might not be glad with the end results! >;3

That’s all for this dev update. See you guys on the comic’s release party this Friday/Saturday! ^^




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): https://discord.gg/jFE7t85sVy




OWO!!!!!!!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!DX