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Good evening everybody, Scriptor here with the Q2 2022 plans!

Q2 2022 plans!

With V0.21.2 released for Tier III the hub area of the second VR-world is fully finished; together with the leadup towards the sex toy factory. Needless to say the next game update will take place inside said factory, and boy am I excited to get started on it… because it is going to feature assembly line dollification. ;3

For those wonder what I mean with that look no further than the suck doll comic over at my Pixiv (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88134528). The comic itself is from over a year ago and I’ve learned a lot in that time, so I can wait to see how things will turn out this time around with my expanded skillset! >;3

Besides this I also want to do a sort of drone enemy inside the factory; with the fail-state revolving around the “one-of-many” theme & rubber dronification. I’ll hold off on spoiling too much but needless to say I’ve also got some pretty neat idea’s for this as well. ^^

However since especially the assembly-line dollification fail-state is something I really want to do justice. As such I expect this update cycle to last a little bit longer than the previous one. However, there’s also another secret side project I’ve been working on in the past few months. It’s secret because I don’t want to share anything of it until it’s almost done, but it’s high time I set that side-project into overdrive and publish it soon. As such, I’ll be taking this full week to work on it (instead of only the weekends), so I’m pushing for a release of this side-project coming May. Once it’s near completion I will tease/announce it properly. ^^

As a consequence of working on my secret side-project this week there will be no exclusive dev updates coming Wednesday (and possibly) Sunday. No worries; regular schedule (game development and exclusive dev updates) will pick up again next week. ;3

That’s all for these Q-plans, have a good week and see you guys soon!




The Trap Queen

Oh my, what a tease! I can’t wait to see what this little secret is.


Wow now i'm super hyped to see what this mystery project is ^^


Ooh, exciting times! :)


is there an undercover part where she has to dress up as a rubberdoll to not attract attention? She can't hide, surely there are surveillance cameras everywhere!:P https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/2020/06/09/08/14/13/82197894_p0_master1200.jpg