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Eyooo, Scriptor here with the Sunday news bulletin! >;3

Game development

First off concerning my announcement about the rework of one of the struggle mechanics: A good portion of you guys were pleased with the news, but there were also a lot who’d rather keep using the current mechanic (the random dice roll). Hence I’ll be doing the best of both worlds: Besides keeping the current struggle mechanic in the game I’ll also add an option to switch between the two modes that can be done whenever you fancy (excluding during the midst of events like battles or cutscenes). It’s a good thing that I’ve been cleaning up my spaghetti code in the past few updates; because with the modularized code it’s very easy to run both mechanics simultaneously. So I luckily don’t have to compromise in this decision. 😉

I’ve also finished up the last few renders for the fail-state that Kathleen gets when she loses the boss fight against goddess. It’s around 35 base images long and makes hefty use of the sideview ports. For those who like rubber tentacles, rubber objectification and general non-con stuff; you’re in for a treat. ;3

Tomorrow work will start on writing all the dialogue for the new update and implementing it all into the game. Like I’ve said before; I expect this to go significantly faster this time around since there’s far less going on coding-wise (besides implementing the remainder of the QTE mechanic into all the fights, but that’s pretty easy with the concept I’ve made three days ago).


Somewhere in a dark part of the pyramid...

Is Kathleen-

-still in a tight spot! >;3

That’s all for this update; see you guys this Wednesday! ^^





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