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Heya people, Scriptor here with the Wednesday dev update! ^^

Game development

I’m currently busy plugging day 3 into the game. It going well but this day especially is quite heavy on the dialogue, so I’ll apologize in advance since it will likely contain some spelling errors here and there. (Wouldn’t be a Scriptor original production without them right? ;p) Besides plugging the final day as serving as a handmaiden into the game I’ve also been busy bug fixing, recompiling old game code and introducing new mechanics. I’ll save you guys the change-log till coming Sunday, but sufficed to say it’s gonna be a loooong one. ;p

Content poll

Since this update cycle is almost coming to a close I’ve already been drawing plans for the coming one. The desert bandit bad end (fail state) will be introduced in the next update (V0.19.1), and I’ve been getting a lot of good suggestions for it of the past few weeks (*cough* months *cough*)! So many in fact… That I can’t decide myself, so I’ll leave the decision in the hands of you guys! >;3

All the options down here are suggestions I personally would really like to implement, but only one can be victorious. Do not fear; all of the options will contain a healthy dose of rubber (as always)!

Bandit’s pet (cat-girl/pet-play/con focused)

Title says it all; if this option is picked Kathleen will become the bandit camps personal sex kitty! She’ll be turned into a rubber cat-girl and prowl around the bandit camp looking to scratch that insatiable fire in her crotch… Needless to say this one will be consensual focused. ;3

Beast of burden (Pony-girl/beast-of-burden/intelligence reduction)

In this option Kathleen is turned in the bandit’s camp pack horse. Bound in a thick rubber pony-girl outfit She’ll be used for menial labor, sex, carrying stuff, you name it! Do not worry, Kathleen won’t mind doing this at all; the desert bandits have a special thea that can easily kill a feisty filly’s braincells off… Leaving her as dumb as pack horse’s supposed to be!

Training dummy (Objectification/non-con focused)

In this option Kathleen is cursed by a ancient bracelet found by the desert bandits; causing her to turn into a rubber training dummy. Bound in heavy rubber she can’t do much else then smile like an idiot whilst the desert bandits use her to practice their fighting moves… Needless to say this bad end will be more non-consensual focused. ;3

Let your voices be heard and may the best option win, the poll will go up in a few minutes and once that’s done I’ll dive right back into RPGMaker MV!





all options are great


maybe two options, if you are a fighter, you get Trainingdummie, if you like to submit, you get a petgirl/Ponygirl?


I would like to; but I'm not sure I'll have the time to do both. We'll have to see when I actually start working on the fail-state somewhere in the coming two weeks ;#