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Heyooo, Scriptor here with the Sunday news! ^^

Game development:

Like stated last Wednesday I’ve been busy writing script and plugging the images into the game. Progress has been good; both the bad ends are fully implemented into the game and are working like they should! ;3 Currently I’m busy writing the dialogue for the night events (those spend in goddesses bedchamber and the handmaiden chambers) and once those have been implemented I can start fighting with the game-code for the task planned on day 2 of the handmaiden submit events. Spoiler alert: It involves cleaning, although hardly in the way you’d at home (unless you do, in which case consider me jealous)! 😉


Some more teasers of the events in-game; this time of the second bad end!

That’s all for this Sunday dev update; stay tuned for more talk about code (and some sexy teasers to make it all bearable) this Wednesday! ;p





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