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Good evening all, Scriptor here with the Sunday update! ^^

Game development:

Work on the images for night 3 in Goddesses bedchamber is finished and work on the images for the first bad end coming update is almost done. As I’m taking the time in between setting up the final scenes writing this update I’m certain that all renders for the first bad end will be done come morning, meaning that tomorrow evening I can start on the other bad end for coming update. ^^

So the first bad end that I’ve tackled is the one that Kathleen lands herself in if she fails all the tasks Goddess gives her. Deciding Kathleen is utterly useless as a handmaiden their original agreement is null and void, and Goddess isn’t going to let Kathleen go unpunished…

You see, in the deepest part of the pyramid, far below the floors Kathleen has seen, are the forgotten catacombs. It’s an ancient lost part of the pyramid where nobody ever comes, except Goddess when she needs to dispose of useless handmaidens… And the unfortunate handmaidens that gets disposed of. Not to worry though, even trash is kept busy in that forsaken place. After all, the handmaidens live to serve… Even if that’s to silently suffer for Goddesses amusement. >;3

For those who like entombment, living rubber, orgasm denial and general non-con stuff I can say that you’ll most likely are going to enjoy this bad end very much. 😉 For those who don’t like entombment don’t fret: The other bad ending will feature none of that, and will be much more consensual focused, with plenty of use by Goddess... ;p

Enjoy the teasers below! ^^



"Ouchhh…. My head…"

“Wait, where the hell am I?”

“Oh no.”

“FUCK NO!!!”

That’s all for this dev update, I’m gonna finish building the last scenes of the first bad end! ^^






can we expect a early release then with the speed up ?


Release date stands as is (~mid-November). ;3 As announced in dev update 30 I'm using the extra time obtained with the batch-render plugin to make the two game overs associated with the handmaiden events, together with day 2 and day 3 originally planned for this update. Bad end 1 turned out quite big (58 base images excluding side-view ports on the action and X-ray shots of inside the bondage), and I expect bad end 2 to be around the same length. Needless to say, but it takes some time to make these renders, even with the batch render plugin. ;p