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Heya all, Scriptor here with a late Sunday dev update!

General news:

I’ve had a pretty fun night yesterday, that was made even better when I came home; because the batch render plugin works like a charm! This means I can speed up my regular workflow by a good degree, and that makes me a very happy boi, for reasons explained down below…

Game development:

Last week has been focused on making the renders for the task on day 3; I’m pleased to say that I’ve made good progress on that. ^^ Last weekend/today has been focused on making the night 3 events, particularly the one in goddess bedchamber… For those who like large insertions and anal play, I can tell you are in for a treat when the update drops this November! >;3

Even though it’s only been a day with the addition of the batch render plugin my workflow has increased by a TON. To put it in perspective; on a good day I’d normally make +/- 12 renders, and I’d need the entire day for that. With the plugin I can now do the same amount of work in 4 hours, meaning that I can potentially double my productivity. Although there are more factors that determine how fast I can make new images (if I need to make a lot of custom-made Blender props it takes longer), the increased speed is really giving me a lot more breathing room. ^^

So I’m going to be ambitious with this update: Together with day 2 and day 3 of the priestess submit events this update will also contain the two bad ends associated with the submit events. This means the bad end for spending all the nights in the priestess bedchamber and for failing all the day tasks. Now lets hope I don’t shoot myself in the foot by promising this … :’)


Fara’s cheekiness doesn’t sit well with Goddess…

Luckily there’s a way to deal with that.

Quite the mouthful! >;3

Aight, that’s it for this Sunday dev update, see you all on Wednesday! ^^






it's great to hear your getting more work done. also that gag look stunning!


a funny place for the eye of Ra😀