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Hey all, Scriptor here with the Wednesday new update!

Game development:

I’ve been hard at work making the renders for the task on day 3. It’s a bit of a role reversal day compared to Kathleens first encounter with Goddesses handmaidens; in that you will now be the one receiving guest, instead of being received. ;p

Without spoiling too much this day will feature a meeting between the camp representative (the trader Fara) and Goddess herself. Goddess is getting tired of all those pesky intruders and wants to strike a ‘deal’ with the people over at the base camp, only things don’t go exactly as planned… Kathleen will be forced in a though position during these talks; depending on what Kathleen does she’ll either earn some favor from Goddess… Or a good scolding. >;3

Kathleen escorting Fara to Goddess, so for so good.

Things going a tad bit downhill-

-Oh boy.

That’s all for this dev update, see you guys coming Sunday! ^^





The Trap Queen

Interesting. I got to say, these visuals are making me quite antsy. Though, I do respect your need for patience so I’ll temper my restlessness…if only for a little while longer.


Wonder if Fara chooses to fight the Goddess or serve like Kathleen has their :D


Mhmm without spoiling too much it's a bit of a mix of both those actually. You'll see what I mean when the update comes out. ;3