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Heyooo people, Scriptor here with your weekly Sunday update!

Game development:

Work on the next update (V0.18.1) of No escape: Game edition! has been in full motion since last Monday! The first part of last week has been spend on fleshing out ideas and making a solid plan of what I want to include in the coming update. Like stated previously; at the very least I want to put in both day 2 and 3 of the priestess submit events. It’s still very early in the development process, so I’ll hold off on making promises until I’ve gotten all the base renders done, but I expect this update to be a little more ambitious then what’s currently planned! How much more ambitious will be determined in the coming 2 weeks (depending on how fast I’ll be able to make the base renders for day 2 and 3). ;3

The second part of the week has been spend on making the images required for update 0.18.1. I’ve just finished up night 2; both the one in the handmaiden chambers as well as the invite in Goddesses chambers. Coming week will be focused on making the images for the task on day 3 and the associated night 3 events; you can expect some more teasers about those coming Wednesday. ;3

On night 2 in the handmaiden chambers Kathleen can try to make a run for it…

Emphasis on "try." >;3

And for those who manage on night 2 to get another invite to Goddesses bedchamber are (like Kathleen) in for a pleasant surprise…

That’s all for this dev update, see you all coming Wednesday! ^^






Is there an ETA for the bandit camp bad ending being added to the game? :)


Heya Dollmistress! ^^ The bandit camp bad end is set for update V0.19.1 (the one after the coming update); so if I'd to give an ETA for the bandit bad end I'd say around middle-to-end December 2021. ;3