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Senators, hear me!

See the following link for the new comic! I hope you all enjoy it, it's a bit darker than I've ever gone before, and the bimbofication aspect might not be for everyone. But it's got plenty of rubber and other kinky stuff inside it, so it should be a good piece of rubbery smut still. ;)

With text:


Without text (unsorted, contains raw renders not used in the final comic):


Be sure to give me your feedback! Tomorrow I'll announce the plans for Q4 2021. Spoiler alert: The rest of 2021 will be spent on game development (I really want to finish up that first VR-world before 2022).






well, as i saw the Tonkatsu influences, i was already worried, don't get me wrong, Tonkatsu's Rubber-art is one of the greatest i ever saw, but too many of his Stories ends with "Sealed away forever", and now here too!:/


this was great! the art was stunning and it had a good story. it could have done with more focus on the sex but that’s just my personal opinion.


Heya! that's fair; I get that the final part might not be for everybody. Is it the fact she's stuck down there forever, or the fact that's she's stuck alone down there wit not much to do or another reason? I hope you did manage to enjoy the rest of the comic besides its end! ;3


Thanks for the compliments! ^^ I get and agree with your point; It's pretty light on those scenes so I'll keep it in mind for future works. Thank you for taking the time to give me feedback! ;3


First: The set looks great and the story line is quite enjoyable(also a approach with more sex would have been more to my liking and prefer the dominant position as point of view... well we can't have everything) Now to a bit of critique^^: especially in the beginning there is quite the info dump including very unnecessary details e.g. writing a paragraph to say '5h later'(we don't really need to know how she got there) There are also a view instances of showing a scene and describing it with text (i don't need a description of the pony there is a picture of her^^) Generally: Do you prefer feedback here or via discord?


Whatever is most handy for you; you can send me pixiv messages or discord ones. Both are fine. ;3 Both valid points; I tried giving more description to fill up the story/paraphs some more, because I've gotten feedback in the past that people felt it would be more expansive/enjoyable if there was some more description during the story. Still need to get a feeling for what's important to the plot and what not... I'll work on it. ^^


well, its just a waste of 3 good holes, and a pony should RUN! wheere is the reason on owning a Pony-girl if it just lays in a pit? if she don#t like it anymore, she should sell it!:P