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Heyooo people, Scriptor here with the latest news!

Progress on the comic (damn Scriptor come up with a title already!):

Progress on the comic has been good! I’m currently clocking in on 96 renders (images), and I estimate that the graphical part of the story is around 65% done. The only scenes left to render are those of our protagonist getting packaged and shipped, arriving at her new home, and a kinky prologue after she’s been with her mistress for a few years and ready to “retire.” I estimate the full set will contain +/- 130 images. >;3

However, it’s been a busy few weeks, and next week is promising to be a busy one as well. As some of you know I work two real-life jobs besides being a rubbery-smut artist, and the weekly average this month has been around ~50-60 hours spent on both those real-life jobs (gotta love the holiday season). As such I’ve been crunching like crazy to get the comic done, but in the worst-case scenario the comic drops around the beginning of October, no later than the 3rd. Please note that I will give it my all to release the comic before the 30th of September!

Finally, some more teasers of the comic:

The A.I. of the facility taunting poor Viv.

Fellow ponies being "trained."

Viv about to be trained...

That’s all for this Sunday update, have a good week and I’ll see you this Wednesday! ^^





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