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Heya people, Scriptor here with the Sunday update!

New comic

As mentioned last Friday I’m finally getting at the kinky rubbery bits; the intro portion of the story renders are done and our protagonist has just been captured… Meaning the fun can begin. >:3 Some of the renders leading up to this have been giving me real trouble though. Long story short the lightning settings that came pre-made with the stable wasn’t properly set up; it caused so much fireflies (white points in the render) that the denoiser had to work overtime to produce a pleasant image. This shows itself in the image by causing it to “smudge.” It’s not that noticeable, but it annoys the hell out of me so if I’ve got the time I’ll redo these renders, this time with the proper lightning.

Viv finding out where the missing girl went-

And realizing she’s fallen for a trap!

Time to take a nap Viv... >;3

Expect some more teasers this Wednesday, I’m off to bed. Goodnight! ;3



