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Heya peeps, Scriptor here with the standard Sunday end-week roundup!

New comic

Work on the new comic progresses, although it’s still in in the early stages and as such there isn’t that much juicy rubbery content to show yet (gotta have some buildup leading to the peril of course). Current amount of renders has just hit twenty, and Viv (our protagonist) is about to enter the complex believed to house all the missing girls that disappeared in the last few months… Needless to say that the next Sunday update will feature some kinky rubbery content. >;3

Image of the comics intro in which Viv talks with her boss (who definitely isn’t going to betray her later in the story).

Viv trying to find out where all the missing women went.

After getting an anonymous tip through the internet Viv arrives at the place where all the missing girls should be…

That’s all for this update, I’m diving back into DAZstudio to continue working on the comic!





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