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Heya people, ol’ Scriptor here with the latest news!

Rubberdolls & Development (upcoming imageset)

The final renders are done and post-processing work on the set has started. When that’s done I’ve only got a small story to write and then the imageset is good to go! ETA is still set on Sunday the 29th of August, although there is a big chance that it will drop a day earlier depending how fast the story-writing goes. The imageset will be +/- 49 images long; excluding the cover/credits pages. ^^

Final two teasers:

Vibrator off-

-Vibratorrrrrrr onnnnnnnnn >;3

Content schedule September & Oktober / Discord server

For all those who’ve joined up recently: Welcome; I’m glad to have you here! ^^

Unfortunately FANBOX seems to lack an option to pin posts; so I can understand if certain important things get buried under the piles of posts/polls I make throughout the month.

So before we head into the next month two important things for all you newcomers:

- Content next month will focus on making a new comic; namely about a goth detective getting into a bit (read: a lot) of trouble inside a “pony-facility.” For more info about that see the exclusive dev update posts from the past two weeks; remember to cast your vote in the last poll about the comic! ^^ If you’re here solely for the game and don’t care about my comics; I understand, no hard feelings. 😉 Work on the game will continue in October so hopefully I’ll see you back around that time! However if you're here for rubber smut no matter if it's in a comic or game format... I'd suggest to stick around. >;3

- I’ve set up a Discord sever so that communication between me & you all is a bit easier. Come check it out if you’d like; it’s a bit quiet but it has a nice mood/vibe. ^^ Note that it’s not required to join the Discord to stay up-to-date with the latest news. My first line of communication is and will always remain FANBOX itself. I understand that not everybody wants (or possibly can) use Discord, so I don't want to exclude people from content. (Especially content that they've payed for!) Imagesets, game updates, comics and all other content will always be posted on the FANBOX page! (Link to Discord server: https://discord.gg/jFE7t85sVy )

That’s all for this exclusive update; see you this weekend at the release of the Rubberdolls & Development imageset! ;3





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