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So our damsel-in-distress will be turned over to the “mistress” A.I. to be turned into a rubber pony. After some grueling months of “reprogramming” our damsel is ready to have her personality template set and be shipped out to;

- The don (male) who sent her there to hide his involvement with the place. She’ll be his personal slave pony forced to do all kinds of deprived acts for him and his men. Our damsel will be programmed to like this and act like a massive slut. (Keywords: Male, public use, non-con to con)

- Her boss (female) who couldn’t let her involvement with the place leak out. Our damsel will be kept in her bosses estate where she’ll be her personal slut pony. The boss has a mean streak though; she prefers her ponies fully aware but unable to do anything about their predicament (our damsel will be effectively trapped inside her own body by her programming). (Keywords: Female, orgasm denial, non-con)

- An Asian buyer somewhere overseas that has been doing business with the pony company for a long time; he wants to add our damsel to his “collection,” reducing her to a nameless, faceless pony (only recognizable by her number). He will also opt to completely wipe our damsels personality and install a “standardized” pony-girl personality (giving her the personality of an advanced sex doll). (Keywords: Male, dronification, ego death)

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