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Heya everybody, a small status update on the game:

I've been getting feedback concerning the "regular" enemies; that they are unbalanced, can spam their status/capture attacks, the fights are repetitive and so on.

And after much self-reflection... I can hardly disagree with that feedback. There are some serious issues in the "regular" battles that need to be adressed. So that's exactly what I've done! :D

The last few days I've been writing new battle code, and I'm really pleased at how it turned out. The new code is much cleaner, organised and modular, making it easier for me to work with!

For now only the desert bandit uses this code, she now has a "normal" attack that deals HP damage, statuses and capture attacks trigger after x amount of turns on a % chance base. The capture and status attacks have cooldowns, so the enemy can't spam them. The capture and status attacks "check" each-other, so you get breathing room in between those special attacks.

The new battle code also "checks" base player stats, meaning that things like agility (chance to evade regular attacks and status attacks) and defence (reduced damage from these attacks) now actually do something/matter. This also opens up the possibility of adding negative statuses to the players in the overworld map: For example the player can get gassed with a sleepy gas that reduces their agility. >:3

All in all really important stuff in the long run so I'm glad I took the time to make this new code. Now to apply it to all the other enemies (rubber golems, goop and maid suit) and to balance it. Then all "regular" battles should be much more enjoyable for all. :)

When this is done I'll add in some gear upgrades and do some more bugfixing and afterwards I'll release it all in a new patch (V0.16.2) so you guys at Tier III can have a look at the changes yourself. Expect this patch in the coming week! ^^

After the patch work will start on the priestess submit events, I know most of you would rather see those events then an overhaul of the combat but believe me when I say that this had to be adressed sooner then later. ;3





this makes sence. I have played a lot of games that have great porn sections but fall apart in the combat, ether being to easy (forcing me to sabotage myself to get to the porn) or being janky so sorting it out early will make your life much easier in the long run and make it a better game over all. also I like the idea of having status efects rolling over from battles it keeps things intresting and it can stop combat from getting to easy. keep up the good work.


I am glad you got this done, also glad you took peoples criticism on board, sign of a good creator and all. Can't wait to see more


This game already has some of the best gameplay philosophies against its competition, and I'm glad you are continuing to improve that side of the product. It will make the entire experience far more palatable in the end. Additionally, I might recommend adding an "I submit" option into the player's abilities to immediately begin the capture sequence, for those who just want to get right to the "exciting" bits. You could consider adding special dialogue to those instances, but just the regular dialogue might be more than enough, It all depends on how you would like to code it in.


Agreed Cor and already added into the new version; although I'm undecided about adding special dialogue to the "submit" skill. We shall see. ;3