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Hi! Good evening, this is ppw.

I have decided to post the English version twice a month, but I am late this month. Sorry!

This month has been a bit of a challenge for me, as I've been working on a game I've been working on for a few months and I'm finally at the stage where I'm almost finished with it, and also because of my trip to Tokyo, which has thrown me off my schedule.

I value travel and rest very highly. So I guess it doesn't help that the rest of the days I'm busy working! LOL!

This year has been a very good year for me, as I was able to travel all over the place. All thanks to my fans who support me. Thank you so much!

I will do my best again next year. I would love to travel abroad.

Well, today I will post an illustration of Alice from SAO.

The other heroines are jealous of her getting close to the main character and they punish her.

Please enjoy!



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