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In response to a recent skeb request for illustrations (https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/95320682), I''m releasing the setting pictures of the main characters here for the supporters.

I' ll also post the diffs between the uniforms and the spherical dolls.






The girls are hardened by being turned into dolls, so I devised a way to highlight them.

To tell the truth, I would have liked to include some naughty scenes of the girls as dolls, but due to the amount of work involved, I decided against it.

I'd like to post the continuation of the story on Fanbox as much as possible, so if you have any requests for the continuation, please feel free to comment.

(Requests will be given priority, but I will be happy to work on it when I have free time.)




This sounds like a great idea, I am a fan of androids and dolls, so it would be great to see the continuation of your idea with dolls.


I would like to see more about this story


I'd love to see the doll house controlled by a woman instead of a man (if indeed anyone is meant to control the dolls). A "mistress of the dolls" just seems more right than a "(male) master of the dolls".


How about control through strings like a puppeteer, with the controller trying to adjust the strings to have the girls in certain positions or to perform certain actions (cowgirl, fellatio, etc….)


Thank you for your comment. I like the situation of sticking a thread and manipulating it. I've got a request for a skeb soon, so I'll draw it someday soon.


Thank you for your comment. I haven't drawn many female-led situations, so I might try it somewhere (yuri is my favorite too).


Thank you for your comment. I think it's the scene where she's having sex with the other dolls.


Thank you for your comment. I think I will continue to draw them, because I like things like sexbots, where the technology extends to the mental side. I've also received a near-skeb request, so I'll be drawing a sexaloid soon.