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In the illustration that was released the other day (https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/94085985)

The rest of the manga is now available here.

Since I've hired two dedicated waitresses, I'd like to give them a good job.


1st: Continuation of manga

2nd:Continuation of manga(Eng Sub)

3rd: Setting picture








Recently, I've been seeing some comments on Twitter saying, "I don't feel good about a lot of works that use MC as a means to get laid. The MC process itself is sexy..."

However, I am the type of person who is equally excited by both sex scenes with MC elements and the MC act itself, so I'm having a hard time understanding it.

One thing I do know is that I would be extremely disappointed if the hypnos*s was broken in the middle of a scene, or if I found out that they was pretending to be hypnot*zed.

What are your thoughts on this? I'd love to hear your thoughts, as I'd like to influence my future works (such as whether I should depict the sex scene or the treatment scene more intensely).




I enjoy the process of the whole thing. Where you see them the girls fall. I think perhaps adding more to that part to really show them becoming deeply hypnotised before slowly leading onto the sexual scenes. Hypnosis isn’t an instant thing and can take weeks to months to become completely submissive like this. I enjoy your work none the less. So keep up the awesome work!

個人的にはMC要素が重要と考える派ですが、 やっぱMCエロの多くがMCよりエロ重視なのを考えるに一般的にはそっちのほうがやはり受ける人が多いんだろうとは思います。だからこそ不満が多く出るのはMC重視な人になるわけで。やりたい事やればいいとは思います。 ちなみに自分は憑依もTSも好きじゃないです(




コメント失礼します 私はMC要素のあるエッチシーンは、MCの段階を深めるための「過程のひとつ」ではないかと考えます。 対象をMCする動機や目的があって、その手段として用いることは、全然ありかなと。 個人的には、MC導入部で、抵抗・混乱・葛藤がある対象をゆさぶり、自分の都合のいいように思考を歪めていく過程はエッチだし、重要だと思います。 これからも作品期待しております!


MC過程は好きだしMC行為そのものにエロスを感じて普通に抜きますけど、個人的には、エロシーンが0(あるいはあっさり)だと、それはそれで正直残念で微妙な気持ちにはなりますね…… まったく同じ構図のエロシーンでも前提にMCによって作られたエロシーンという付加価値が付くとより興奮しますし


Put simply, some people are turned on by the domination/submission elements of MC, but uncomfortable with non-consentual acts. I personally feel teased if MC doesn't result in sex, so I greatly enjoy your work. It's impossible to please everyone, so draw for yourself and those who like what you make.


I like both MC and the sex, but if I had to choose, I think the MC is a little bit more important. I think you strike a good balance between MC and sex, but I also noticed that sometimes you don't spend a lot of time on the induction. That's not a bad thing, but a lot of the hypno-doujins out there skip over the MC or inductions, so I understand why people would ask for more.


You do you. Why compromise on your fetish when instead you can polish it further to higher levels?


I enjoy the thrill of seeing a girl being placed under mind control and then someone having sex with them. It doesn’t feel complete if you don’t see both parts. And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been annoyed because I found a new MC comic, only to find out that the MC’d person was just pretending. 😓


Thank you for your comment. It's true that I've heard that in real hypnosis, the relationship of trust between the practitioner and the subject is very important, and if I want to create a realistic work, the more dense the introduction, the better. It is my future task to be able to change the description about MC intro according to the amount of work.


コメントありがとうございます。 多角的な要素を含むジャンルであるだけに、あちらを立てればこちらが立たず…という状況に陥ってしまいがちですね。 私個人としましてはできるだけ多くの方に気持ちよくなっていただけるのが究極の目標でございますので、よりよい描写や画力の向上を目指し精進したく存じます。 ご支援いただいている中で、必ずしもお好みでないジャンルの作品をお出ししている状況に心苦しく思いますが、何卒今後ともお力添えいただけますと幸いです。


コメントありがとうございます。 双方の方々のご意見賜りまして、非常に参考になります。 多くの方にご満足いただける形をとると、数こそ少ないものの高いエネルギーを持った方々にはフラストレーションが募る形になってしまっているのがもどかしいですね…。 現状の短いページ数では折衷に留め、より長い作品に取り組む際に改めて比重について分析するのが最善でしょうか。


コメントありがとうございます。 なるほど、MCという大きな概念のなかにエッチシーンも包含されている、というお考えでしょうか。たいへん腑に落ちました。 私自身といたしましても、貴方様と類似する思考ないしは嗜好を持っているように感じました。 おっしゃるとおり、最初からひたすらに従順なさまを見せつけられるよりは、正常な思考に揺さぶりをかけ、歪めていくという過程をいかに描くか、という箇所に焦点を定めることが肝要ですね。 これからの作品づくりには、上記のことを念頭に置いておきたいと存じます。重要なヒントをありがとうございました…!


コメントありがとうございます。 たしかに、R-18要素にMC要素が付加されることで、さらに魅力的になることも多いですね。 同様の構図をMCあり/なしで比較するなどして、「このシチュエーションには(MCが/R-18要素が)不可欠」と納得できるような作品を研究していきたい所存です。


Thank you for your comment. I'm glad to hear that, because I've been publishing my works in order to include NSFW scenes, regardless if my works are for all ages. My goal is to "get excited with more people," but I understand that it's impossible to feel good with everyone in the world. I would like to continue my research so that I can satisfy as many people as possible.


Thank you for your comment. I still think that there are some works that make me feel like they are having sex suddenly. It may be a problem of not having enough space, but mostly it is due to my lack of skill. I'll do my best to improve the overall quality of my work by improving my composition and drawing skills.


Thank you for your comment. You are right. I would like to keep the feeling of "no matter what people say, I love this" as a concept.


Thank you for your comment. I'm really sorry to hear that you are pretending to be MC'd. I would welcome a situation where I'm "pretending" to be MC'd under orders.... Both MC and NSFW elements are difficult to do without, but I have learned that it is important to pursue a balance. Of course, I understand that there are other important factors such as drawing ability, and I will do my best to satisfy you.


Sorry, DeepL did't work well. I also feel sad MC'd people are pretending and they keep sanity. And the situation I welcomed is "MC'd people are pretending" are pretending, so in fact they are under MC.


I like when mind controlled and stay mind controlled but I also like seeing also restriction controlled. With restriction controlled, the MC character can do whatever they want but whatever orders they receive has priority over what they want. They follow orders like normal MC but they may complain or be surprised or avoid until ordered. I like MC even more when MC character is ordered to do things that are impossible consciously but physically and biologically possible. For example, order girl to be pregnant on next ejaculation shot received (and the order being fulfilled). Then, while pregnant, ordered to abort the pregnancy and the pregnancy is aborted. Don't force yourself to do it if you don't like that kind of MC. I do like it.


Thank you for your comment. I was most concerned with the empty expression deprived of emotion, so I could not come up with a situation like yours. I will carefully consider this as an idea for a story in the future. Thanks for a very good revelation.


You are welcome, rimu. I love those, also because they are rare. However, don't force yourself. I'm an unfortunate guy who doesn't have enough money to pay for a commission :(