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Links below I "finished" it. It's done. I don't have much else I want to do with it. Remember when I said I would just stick to the model and not do an alternate version? Well, queue Arnold gif up top. The model version is based on the older Kate while the alternate version guided itself into looking much younger. Obviously, my limited abilities stand no chance of replicating her real-life face. I've wanted to do something with Kate since the day of her wedding. Well, over a decade later I now made that dream come true. Take it from me, people. If someone says that a woman you've jerked off to a million times can't get shota'd, you instead know that it can actually be done. I played the long game and won. I'll be jumping into another session as soon as I can. I'm already in the middle of it, as a matter of fact, and will be relying on the same tools of the trade that helped get this done. No timeline, just expect me to be blasted by my 60-hour a week day job as usual and eek out scraps of time to push through another session to completion. Hardcores get this now; main page will come soon. KM1 https://files.catbox.moe/9zec9b.jpg KM2 https://files.catbox.moe/1xskz6.jpg KM3 https://files.catbox.moe/0f2nnz.jpg KM4 https://files.catbox.moe/145t3p.jpg




Why would the Winsors never forgive you for that? Kate's necklace sets the mood perfectly.☝️


Beautiful work as always 👏


Wow, Kate looks so real! You have achieved rare perfection. congratulations :)


I'm sure they do filthy things behind closed doors. One whiff of this though might be crossing (not everyone gets shota ;) )


Yet again lost for words. ❤️