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I had to do a google search on this one since I'm a little out of touch on these moves. This submission hold with legs is used by a different wrestler, but nonetheless there is precedence for something this over-the-top in WWE. It's not just me pulling this move out of my ass. As if any of this needs some reference point for anyone but me. I'm not citing sources, I'm making shota porn. :) I tried lowering the bodies but it surprisingly made things even more awkward for their positioning (mostly the shota's part). So I'm leaving the height where it is, maybe seeing if I can make Lexi a little more sunk with her shoulders. Otherwise, it stays as it is if I feel it works out. I want to see about tugging a little on her pants and whether it looks clean to do. You know, start transitioning to the nude poses (if I make it that far). Looking forward to this Friday when I possibly have a day off (hopefully nothing gets revoked). See you in the next post, HCs.



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