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Hello. I've got one more day until I can bask in PTO. Because I'm not allowed to work overtime during weeks when I have vacation days active, I go back to the 8 hour shifts today and tomorrow. And man, after working +11 hour days / +55 hour weeks... 8 hours goes by so fast. I think I do want to try and get something done with Kate. I'll be at the mercy of FaceApp, but I think it'll be a very good learning experience to test the limits of my own 3D animating and supplement it with another tool. It's a gamble, but what else have I got going on? Both Beckinsale models I have are rather... unimpressive. If I'm being generous, one is a poor imitation and the other looks more like that one 2014 gmod / sfm pale elf OC (can't remember their name). The only winning moves are to go the App route or not do it at all. Fuck Halloween, so I'm going to try and do one with regular Kate. See if that works. If it does, I'll see about a Selene one. I want to also do something that involves a dog, but for now let's keep it shota. Lots to do when I get time, and that time is soon.




Nice firm cake


Please do a dog one