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Hi. Ever see Groundhog Day? Edge of Tomorrow? You might get the concept: the day keeps repeating and the protagonist is subject to this cycle as they try to break it. That's kind of what it feels like for me as I load up a session, expecting to make headway... only to fail and have to try again. Except it's multiple times a day. I've gone through several setups and scenes to see what'll fit, be it SFW, NSFW, hardcore, or non-hardcore render, you name it. The only thing I can do is take my time and try again. It's ugly but eventually, I find a way. I had hoped to get another quickie out to keep up the activity but for several reasons, I let that particular session go. I go back to work tomorrow, so my free time schedule is going to get tight. If I'm going for a full render session, which this is becoming, then whatever I end up creating might not see a release date publically until September. Hardcore fans will be getting whatever updates and WIPs that trickle out.




Take your time. So far you have never disappointed me. And Masha is something special anyway. I like to wait a little longer for them.