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Took some time to work on the Sonya session. I think it's coming along nicely. I feel it'll be fine doing one version with a couple of different races and just having a few clothing variants. Still a few big things to tidy up, and of course numerous smaller things to tweak. In other news, I got hit by a warning from Pixiv about uncensored links. My previous Sonya WIP post got flagged cause I stupidly forgot to censor it. They weren't flagging me for the content, which is awesome, just for the fact that it was uncensored. But now I'm a little out in the open cause they're mentioning no uncensored uploads or download links. Update: I've spoken with a fellow artist and I should be good to go as long as I make sure that nothing I actually submit through Pixiv is uncensored. Links will be available as they usually are. This is what it feels like to make a rookie mistake when I should know better by now. Whoops!




Rastafarian uses a program called "Resilio Sync", and changes the syncronization key every month while only posting censored work here. It basically syncronizes whatever he puts in the folder with the members that have the password. Even if you don't consider ever using it it wouldn't hurt to check it out. Options are always nice.


Actually, I used Resilio way back in my early SFM days. It worked kinda well but became a little bit of a hassle, especially as time went on. I still have it installed on my comp, in fact. The option is on the table if need be, at least. Thanks for reminding me.


Maybe you can use MEGA, pretty easy to use with links


I spoke with another user about it. I'd rather not risk it since I know others who have had Mega retaliate when posting this type of content. For now I think I'm ok, judging how it was just the one gif that was the issue vs every post where I link.