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Before anything else, I'd like to thanks everyone for your continous support.

It's been a year since I opened my fanbox and thanks to you my goals from back then were fulfilled!!! Yay!! If you don't remember they were to add VA to the animations, more sound effects and keep making contentious stuff (*´∨`*)

A few long animations were made and other short ones as collab with popular artists.

My goals for this next year is to keep improving the quality from both animations and video editing, most likely to keep a balance to release more works but also spend time create more appealing effects.

Regarding long animations (5min or more), I want to keep making more of them, but due the amount of work it requires I want to release at least one every three months and keep posting more wips from them, so you can see its progress.

Prisma Illya girls is the most complex work I have done so far, with 3 girls at the same time, each one with one different partner, but I'm sure the final result will be worth the waiting.


This first month of the year has been a little slow without releasing any new animation, but I have a few to be posted, and others that are in progress.

Also, feel free to share your thoughts or recommend stuff you would like to see on fanbox(contentious stuff it's most likely to be accepted hehehe), I'm always open to criticism and suggestions to keep improving.

Well, I have nothing else to say, just to thank you again for your support!!



I don't know when that will be, but I'm looking forward to the baby birth animation.


You tend to do amazing work! All I can say is thanks, really. As for suggestions...more Abby is always welcome heh, but Sora from Blue Archive might be great too. Again, thanks!


I would love to see Sothis give chirdbirth in Fire Emblem Three Houses!