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Here's the full article: https://www.pixiv.net/info.php?id=8788


The new Terms of Use from Pixiv Fanbox will ban and prohibit all works related to loli, rape, bestiality, guro, etc, basically everything I post here!

This new policy will go in effect on December 15th, that said, I have a month to setup a new supporter place or think on a solution...

So far a discord server for supporters only seems like a good choice for that, but if the user count gets too bigger it will be troublesome to manage...

Gumroad could work too, but sadly it works like a product site, meaning that you might need to pay for every work that is released and I don't like that way.

For now, I want to focus on finishing my current supporter rewards for this month, then prepare myself for the next month.

If you have any suggestion or advice, feel free to share your ideas.



Hello,I think discord was already strictly banning loli contents.So maybe you should concider another platforms.


SubscribeStar is a pretty good alternative. They seem to let you post anything you want and your supporters pay per month like here on Fanbox.


I think gumroad might still work though, it has a subscription style option too! The artist MaidForge uses that, for example.


Subscribestar or Fantia seem to be where people are moving to. I wish you luck getting set up elsewhere! This support site blowing itself up is depressing, but knowing that you'll be available somewhere else is a nice silver lining.


In my region i need to pay extra 19% tax for each product on gumroad and VPN doesn't work. That's kind of robbery.


yeah but only if its reported but i agree on having alternatives like subcribestar or fantia


While it's true that discord doesn't allow loli content, Shiki can still post a link to download the content like Dropbox or whatever and it won't get in trouble as far as I know. I'm on a Discord server where the loli related content can only be posted as long as it doesn't show anything NSFW.


I say you get as many of your fans as possible to write their discontent to Pixiv over this decision! We should encourage artists to give Feedback to this choice, that they are outraged over this attempted financial censorship! We should also write to support saying we are thoroughly displeased with these attempts to curtail creative expression! As drawings, no matter how hard they push the envelope of acceptable norms, hurt no one!


https://baraag.net/web/@xephion/109348967322396815 ok so maybe is not gonna affect fictional characters and this is only for IRL stuff check the link to see what i mean.


I hope that clear up some doubts, but for now we can only wait until pixiv staff announces a more detailed notice about that


yeah hopefully what that person said is true and this is just pixiv not knowing how to express themselves but just in case is good to have alternatives.


I’m not sure what all their terms and conditions are since I’m not a creator on it but subscribestar seems decent. I follow some degenerate stuff on there but idk if they allow Loli. Can check it out though and it’s subscription based too like here.


Subscribestar? You could also look into using Element as a Discord alternative.


Personally, I think Fantia is a good choice.


Subscribestar and gumroad, western monopolised trash. Use fantia


I cant join any plattform that uses creditcards onlyT.T


Is it actually a big problem ? there will be always a solution to bypass like censorship I mean we still didn't get any further information is it like forbidden to send an external link instead of to post the drawing ? Actually I hoper there will be a better site it's not like I'm in love with pixiv I hate pixiv everyday more.


I wouldn't be surprised if they rename pixiv "AIpixiv" by the way.


fantia seems fine