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Without Coom


Good news! all of the pages are already fully colored and rendered! What's next will be the story writing and also editing the images (as well as censorship unfortunately)

Probably can be done and published by next week or the week after next!!

I will focus on commission and also the RWBY lowblow for a bit while also prepping for UltraAries- Saving Sagittarius Arc. Because the ending is already pre-determined, I am debating if I should make a DnD out of this or write the whole thing on my own.

I'd like to read the comments and see how it goes~ Eitherway, I will start the comic around next month or more.




I think if the ending is predetermined then its better to write it out how you've envisioned it

Pedro Villacort

Dnd style. After all it worked last time right?




It'd take more than that to down Arlecchino 😂 gorgeous! For the next arc, I'd say, up to you? Last time was DnD so if you feel like writing the whole thing on your own, you should do it. Or you can do a mix of the two, like when you feel lacking inspiration. Either way I'm sure we won't be disappointed!


Excellent showing from the house I don't mind some DnD but I fully trust you to write the next part. Some options for player engagement; -We choose the opponent unless you're already drawing -potentially we see if anyone else whose sent(assuming multiple ultrss are apart of the mission) falls but one character is the main -if any other effects happen like the sex change swap at key moments. It'll be like failing a QTE but it doesn't affect most of the story it's cosmetic

Allen X

Uuugh, you make it harder and harder to not wanna' write fanfic of this😅 I'm not to attentive of the UltraAries stuff, but I'd say write it out yourself if you've already got the ending worked out. You could do a poll for some of the stuff you're more loose on or up to the point where the pre-made plot starts to hit.


Especially if the ending is already determined, I feel that having you write it would be for the best to make sure the flow of the narrative is good.


i think half the fun of DnD is gone if the ending is already predetermined. I will start another Dnd with pisces next. I think it's wiser that way


a bit difficult because it's going to be 2v2. Even writing it is a bit difficult so i might change DnD to a different character and monster


yeah i think i will do DnD with another character and different monster. I'm also considering DnD for BBW too ^^


for now the monsters and ultra is already decided so i guess all there is to it is get my ass down and draft everything after getting some work done.


if u wrote a fanfic pls share :DD yeah i think for now i'll hold on to the DnD idea and get that part of the manga out first.


Me personally, I like the DnD idea. It adds an element of chance and community interaction with your work. That being said, since you mentioned the fight being 2v2, maybe you can have the first section be about the Ultra coming to rescue Sagitarrius then have Sagitarrius come in the middle part of the fight once he's gained enough strength. That way you're not trying to juggle the action between the two Ultras. Just a thought. Anyway, looking forward to next week!