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A mini announcement to be made;

Progress for this month will be slow because it's Chinese New Year and my girlfriend (from another country) will be visiting me for two weeks. Due to the fact that I can only meet my girlfriend face to face once a year, I will spend more time and draw less with her (maybe some sketches involving her ocs on twitter)

Incredible apologies for the inconvenience after supporting my work, as such, RWBY Female Lowblow will have 11 images coming up (working 4 by 4 per week or two)




That’s alright. Just have as much fun with your girlfriend as you can. We’re always willing to wait for you


Have fun with your girlfriend, and happy new year.


No worries, im sure everyone here understands. Enjoy your time with your girlfriend, irl comes first


You have NOTHING to apologize for. Enjoy the precious time you have with your GF.


Love your rwby content. Been waiting for your next wrestling rwby story. But if you waiting because of Chinese new years d your girlfriend coming over. Then by God, take all the time you need. Spending time with family during a holiday is special. Spend it well. Get back to us in a month or 2. We'll be here.


哥们一个月没更新了 在干啥呢


下个星期会更新, 最近忙外国女友事所以没时间po。 对不起 ><''