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I figure I should probably give everyone the progress of the comic once per month. So far the progress of the entire comic in full color has been slow. My color assistant has been busy, I am also occupied with commissions-character day and pushing Arsonichawt a bit more towards the public though nonetheless there is some progress once a week for the past few months.

I recently hired another assistant, who is also my girlfriend, to help me with shading, though she is rather inexperienced, I think her assistance really increased the overall progress and speed a little bit faster.

Unfortunately, I think at this rate, the entire story will be finished around next year june or july. It's my mistake for being overly ambitious drawing 200 goddamn pages in one go while having so many project on my plate, haha. You may wonder why don't I focus on the comic first instead of working so many projects in one-go? The unfortunate part is Maogiri vs Bora section of the manga is rather poorly funded and therefore I am starting other mini projects to fund the comic, hence dragging the project much further than I have anticipated.

For those reading this, this is pretty much my reasoning why Ultra Aries Dnd (which is planned to start after the comic) and another chapter of BBW will start a bit later. This time, I will limit the pages no more than 60 to 90 pages unless I am void of all responsibilities which is really rare or hard to find myself in that situation.

Titan Day will still be coming in the form of either lineart or sketch next week, so don't worry about that. I have plans to explain how pregnancy and sexual organs work as a part of BBW lore tomorrow so keep an eye out for that ;^)

Regardless, deepest apology for the extreme delay of Ultra Aries DnD: Rosaria-Muscario Arc and BBW DnD: Aogiri vs Lamna! Thank you all so much for supporting the projects regardless!

Mandarin with DeepL Translate:

我想我应该每月向大家汇报一次漫画的进展情况。到目前为止,全彩漫画的进展一直很缓慢。我的色彩助理一直很忙,我也忙于委托角色日和将 Arsonichawt 推向公众,尽管如此,在过去的几个月里,我每周都会有一些进展。


遗憾的是,我想按照这个速度,整个故事大概会在明年 6 月或 7 月完成。这是我的失误,因为我的野心太大了,在有这么多项目的情况下一口气画了 200 页,

哈。你可能会问,为什么我不先把精力放在漫画上,而要一口气做这么多项目呢?不幸的是,《Maogiri vs Bora》漫画部分的资金相当匮乏,因此我开始了其他小型项目来为漫画筹集资金,从而使项目拖得比我预想的要远得多。

对于那些正在阅读这篇文章的读者来说,这几乎就是我为什么《奥特少女阿丽斯》(计划在漫画之后开始)和《野兽争霸摔跤》的另一章会晚一点开始的原因。这一次,我将把页数限制在 60 到 90 页之间,除非我没有任何责任,但这种情况真的很少见,也很难找到。

《泰坦日》下周仍将以线描或素描的形式出现,所以不用担心。我计划明天解释怀孕和性器官是如何在 BBW 传说中发挥作用的,所以请留意;^)

无论如何,我对 Ultra Aries DnD: Rosaria-Muscario Arc 和 BBW DnD: Aogiri vs Lamna 的极度延迟深表歉意!非常感谢大家对项目的支持!



I can't post 30 + images in one go so I'll have to share the link here :'D



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