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Approximately in the year 2030, humanity across the world has reached it's maximum potential technologically and innovation and its resources plummeted to unsustainability. For unknown reasons, nation leaders began nuclear war for 2 years between each other, causing the entire world to suffer radioactive poisoning to a point mass extinction across the globe and temperature increasing rapidly. Eventually the radiation across the planet has stabilized, miraculous human-beast hybrid DNA was born from, theoretically, the north.

By the time BBW series started, there's only approximately 10 humans left across the globe, 2 of which were leaders of United Kingdom of Belua, while the new half-human half-animal or plant hybrids born from radioactive north took over the planet. The entire world's geography has changed due to the aftermath of Humanity's Downfall and the Apocalyptic Era.

Tribal Kingdom of Lacatilla {TKL}

A kingdom consisting of Lizardmen tribes; 129 years before the event of BBW, Lacatilla and Belua were one kingdom which eventually crumbled due to the racist tyranny of lizardmen causing chaos across Lacatilla and Belua. Lacatilla managed to band Amara, Geru and Vishnor together under 1st Dynast Queen of Rakshah.

To this day, Lacatilla believed United Kingdom of Animalia is their right to own despite their failure to annex UKA after First Beast War and Second Beast War. During the events of BBW, Lacatilla and Animalia had signed a treaty and rights for Lacatillan to join Beast Brawl Wrestling, though tension between both nations remained high as the people of Lacatilla disagree with the 7th Dynast Queen of Rakshah's decision for peace.

United Kingdom of Animalia {UKA}

United by a human during the First Beast War, United Kingdom of Animalia is governed by 4 governments; Merewifen of the Sea, Rolka of the Sky, Marshland of the Swamp and Belua of Land, all of which respond to Founder of Animalia.

When United Kingdom of Animalia banded together during the Lacatilla threat 116 years ago, the 1st Founder of Animalia created Beast Braw Wrestling as both a way to 'remember peace' while also ensuring their nation remained strong, the entertainment has brought unity across nation and some citizen of Haramir and Lacatilla has come to watch as well.

Lacatilla and Animalia, upon realizing the threat of mutant invasion from Verenigde formed Absolute Zero Defense Headquarter and built Apago Wall with the aid of Ultramen.

Republic of Haramir

A desert nation governed by 5 royal families of Esmar known for it's merchantry, trades and crimes, filled with dark organizations and imbalance between poverty and wealthy. This republican nation relied on Lacatillan, Animalian and Plantae for import and export. Certain Expansionist since 125 years ago who wishes to annex certain region of Principality of Plantae but still exist even today, however, nation-wide poverty suppressed the Expansionists.

During the First and Second Beast War, majority of Animalia or Lacatillan refugees would seek aid from Erlot of Animalia or Esmar of Haramir. When the war was over, these refugees became a burden to the nation with some Aryan and Expansionist intending to purge these refugees. However, Animalia and Lacatilla government will not allow it without a Third Beast War.

Principality of Plantae

A misty unknown region filled with thick forest secret only to the plant-based people who do not intend to interact with the outside people much, believing the chaotic nature of other nations will bring their own to ruin. Due to the fact that the Capital City of Elfen is said to be "Always moving in the mist" no one has truly seen the capital itself aside from Plantaen.

At the end of Haramir-Plantae War, a town was erected to sign peace treaty in Domestica. It also serve as a medium of trade between Plantae and the rest of the world.


A vast great piece of land shrouded in dangerous radiation and also the source of mutants and kaijus. Till this day, only a number of people have ventured deep into Verenigde and came out alive. These adventurers formed Verenigde Guild consisting of people who were curious of whatever that is within the radioactive mist.

At the edge of Verenigde also know as Gate Zero were a small civilization consisting of physically monstrous or distorted yet mentally stable people (such as Shizune and Titan). Majority of the people in this region are outlaws and require supervision and tests to allow past Apago Walls, let alone joining BBW.

Lemme know what you think of the lore of the world of Beast Brawl Wrestling and Ultra Aries ^^ This world was something I spent some time on so it's more fun and connected to expand on.



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