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Lately while working on some stuff I was thinking of content which I later come to think that; because Ultra Aquarius and other Ultramen might surface aside from Sagittarius and Aquarius. I think it's not a bad idea add a few more monster design but in the form of female so I decided to sketch a little bit for fun and release some stress!

Category C

Nekomata- A curious playful cat-like kaiju that sometimes wander far away from Verenigde and threatens to enter Lacatillan territory. However, a few mortar shots and water jet sprayed at the cat kaiju would repel the monster back to the concrete forest. It's danger comes from it's agility and it's been sighted from satelite that there are more than one Nekomatas and it is extremely possible they may work together to ambush the Ultras. Thus far, their interest, like Kishzu, is to feed on radioactive energy!

Category B

M3(R^2)1-LYN or Merrilyn - AI of the previous civilization has managed to gather enough resources to become a well-armored kaiju prepared to bring cities to ruins. It's screen has capability to create therapeutic-hypnotic programmes capable of removing Ultra's fighting capabilities, making this kaiju difficult to deal with without Headquarter's aid. Like Nekomata, it's intention was radioactive energy absorption and scrap material gathering for growth.

Category A

Arachnara Queen - Along with Romanza, she has multiple children of her own. Through radioactive energy, she managed to recreate her own kind by merging mutants from Verenigde and force them to bow to her will. Though she doesn't like exposing herself past Veregnigde into Lacatilla territory, her children would harrass Vishnu village and some children were reportedly kidnapped by these spiders. Ultras thus far have difficulty dealing with her as her webs have made the northwest concrete forest difficult to traverse and extremely dangerous to deal with.


Let me know what you think with these new monsters (in comparison to the old)! I would love to hear your thoughts about them and which would be your favourites!

I wanted to have an experiment on how these fem monster would interact with Aquarius so feel free to give me ideas what you want the monsters to do with him!

Rule for suggestion:

-Please follow the theme, if today's theme is Maogiri please kindly stick with it.

-Comment not following these rules are not entertained

-Please take no offense if your work is not chosen as I will be using randomizer or my own preference.

-You may suggest more than one monster on Aquarius and arrange them based on your priority starting from 1.





1. Arachnara Queen- Aquarius is stuck in her web and finds himself exposed as she bites down into him injecting a aphrodisiac venom that makes him hard and body starts to warm up, And all he wants to do is let her have her way with him while a bead of precum forms at the tip of his cock. 2. M3(R^2)1-LYN- on the screen Aquarius sees a peaceful setting and he is mesmerized by it to the point he is not fighting back as Her claw arm is jerking him off making him climax repeatedly into the tube giving her more power As there seems to be multiple tubes filled with his juices. Even better if he is on his knees looking up at the screen as he is flashing red. 3. Nekomata- Finds out she is no match for Aquarius as he is mating pressing her in the middle of the forest, She finds herself defeated as she moans and looks up at him.


I think they all are phenomenal and very creative! I'd suppose Nekomata and Merrilyn would be a lot easier to work with, because of their still humanoid design. I'm not really good with feedback since I honestly just like all that you do lol, but Nekomata is my fave, cause... I mean she is a cat girl lol. As for the suggestions: 1. Nekomata - She claws and grips Aquarius' groin. 2. Arachnara- Knocks Aquarius down with a slam of her behind and fucks his ass with one of her legs As always, thanks for sharing all of your work with us! ^^


First all, nice designs throughout the board. I like that you didnt fall into the typical trap of making the chelicerae legs for Arachnara, its a design choice that unironically causes me physical pain whenever i see it in spidergirls. Nekomata looks great too, with the mention of water jets being a weakness, i reckon that Aquarius would have a quite the advantage. Though i have to admit, Merrilyn might prove to be the most versatile, given your description. One cant help but wonder what kinds of gadgets may be hidden in that mechanical body of hers...


First off, LOVE nekomata's design reminds me of darksiders Arachnara is a close second in how beautiful her design is. As for suggestion Nekomata - She gets cocky and finds out the hard way on how it feels to have a dick down her throat.


I think the arachnara monster would be cool.


Nekomata: Aquarius has been ganged up on by two Nekomatas. Aquarius is still standing while the Nekos go to work on him. One has jumped up onto his shoulders and is shoving her pussy in his face. The other is giving him a blowjob to suck out all his energy. Merrilyn: Merrilyn has beaten Aquarius in a city and is now mating with him cowgirl style to drain his energy. She's keeping him hypnotized with no capability or desire to fight back. Arachnara: Aranchnara is looking smugly at a beaten Aquarius. She's chosen not to mate with him herself seeing him as too weak. Instead, she's letting one or two of her children have him. But she's stayed to watch her children and coach them on the proper 'energy extraction' methods as they drain Aquarius.


They're all very fun designs~ Very different to the freak Kaiju designs that were very power rangers/Ultraman inspired. These would fit a lot better in a modern fantasy anime. That being said I really like nekomata and arachnarw, M3R1 is solid too even if she isn't my preference. I wouldn't mind these being used for the remaining ultras though definitely keep creative by mixing in the burly 'suit monster' feeling Kaiju as well. All three definitely worth using though thanks for working so hard at this and Charlend~ My reply for requests went a bit long so I'll try to turn it and make a separate post, sorry 😐


I like the general idea of the composed Ultra being ambushed and losing with no fight 1)Aquarius is searching for Arachnara in the woods, wary of the webs but learns the hard way his opponent has more spider abilities than webs. The ultra is dragged partway into the ground by a trapdoor spider pit by his legs, helpless as Arachnara sucks off his cock while webbing him up to immobilize 2) Aquarius was jumped by not one or two but four Neko nekomata, and he's paying for it as he's pinned down spread eagle style, each neko takes a piece of him -one is sucking sitting on his crotch milking him -one is kissing him or smothering him with their crotch or tail -one is striking their belly with their fists/claws and bruising it up -the last is toying with their ultra gem, either siphoning power or teasing she's gonna rip it off~ reference pic for how Aquarius is pinned though it'd be by the cats not rope, Pic is nsfw -https://cdn5-images.motherlessmedia.com/images/516C3CB.jpg


Nekomata with with speedly punch and sandbag aquarius!


I love Category B/Merrilyn! I think she's awesome! I'd love to see her ambush Aquarius and dominate him! It would be fun to see Sagittarius arrive to try and save Aquarius only for both men to get dominated by Merrilyn completely!

Pedro Villacort

I love both nekomata and arachnara!!!!!! Would love to see Aquarius get stuck on arachnara’s webs as she mates with him to make a truly powerful child, this having her ride his cock while biting him to inject some form of poison to make him in heat and stay hard for her a longtime!! Nekomata I would like to see her get ryona but in a lewd way, either getting fucked in doggy on the ground or in a mating press!!


i would say gas but i felt like too many of my kaiju can gas or liquid spray ultras so prolly something more physical like an onahole or dildo or rockets :o


First off I lvoe the idea of more humanoid kaiju designs in general givnen the action. Plus the designs themselves are really cool! Nekomata - I love the idea of the kore animalistic take here. Particularly that there’s more than one. Could maybe cool if you introduced a ‘alpha’ among them thats bigger and stronger than the rest that could maybe solo aquarius Merrilyn - This is also a interesting idea, but im not sure i vibe with it as much/can just envision a standard brawl almost + plus the hypnosis aspect Arachnara - This is interesting in a few ways. You can maybe say she has different types of venoms for various effects but the bottom hslf limits certain holds/moves. Could maybe give her the ability to go bipedal? Either way def can see her wanting to full on mate with aquarius while draining his energy. Plus using her webs for some bondage esque situations.


Dildo Rockets sounds devious. Though since she likely uses some form of electricity to power herself, perhaps some extendable wires to restrain opponents and them give them a zap or two?


Reminder. It is Wednesday.