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Hello, ArsonicHawt here ^^

"Hello, I would like to ask, this work used to cost, I've spent 50 yuan to buy this work, why is it suddenly free?"

Ever since I drew the very first manga, I've always wanted my work to be seen by public, be loved and enjoyed and that Fanbox is merely a way for me to gain support to make sure the manga will be produced. This model is based on Youtubers making public videos while also supported on patreon-like services.

However, in November 9th 2022, Ultra Aries (Chinese Version) was made public for everyone to see, I have received some backlash and some private message (justifiably) that they've already paid for yet it suddenly became free in the end.

For a lot of months I pondered on this and I felt it might be my personal selfish desire to make works public without the supporter's consent on publishing it. Therefore, I wanted to make this blog post to ask everyone's opinion on making any manga public from here onwards.

I would like to read your comments on your opinion on this, whether or not manga should be publicized after completion in fanbox. Whether or not the money you've already spent would make the artwork yours and truly yours only.

If you agree that it should be public, type yes first before your opinion. If you don't agree it should be public, type no first before your opinion. If you're in-between, didn't care about it or fine with any decision I made, type Not sure first before your opinion.

I would also like to know what do you want to see more of Fanbox from here on out or any activites done before you would like to bring back. A comment would aid the journey ahead a lot ^^

thank you for your support!!

[The following is translated with DeepL Translator]





如果您同意它应该被公开,请在您的意见前先输入 "是"。如果您不同意公开,请在您的意见前先输入 "不"。如果你介于两者之间,不关心它或对我的任何决定都无所谓,请在你的意见前先输入不确定。



最初の漫画を描いて以来、自分の作品を多くの人に見てもらいたい、愛してもらいたい、楽しんでもらいたいとずっと思ってきた。このモデルは、Youtuberが動画を公開しながら、Patreon 的なサービスでサポートすることをベースにしている。




公開することに賛成なら、意見の前にまず「はい」と入力してください。公開することに同意しない場合は、意見の前にまず「いいえ」と入力してください。もしあなたがその中間であったり、気にならなかったり、私が下した決断に賛成であったりする場合は、あなたの意見の前にまず「Not sure」と入力してください。






Yes If you want your work to be seen by everyone, then you should make it public, and if people get upset about it, then that’s their problem


Yes I really don't mind, I see this a a way to support the creation of the series as a whole


Yes I consider this to be optional support for an artist I like rather than buying the works themselves.


Yes It would be cool to have some perks when you're in a better spot, like small sketches with certain characters like in the Beast Wrestling that maybe are wip level sketches or noncanon but I am fairly content with getting it early and having games that we help with like Ultra Saggitarius's fight. Don't feel too disheartened since the people who don't like it can wait longer for the free version


Yes. Maybe make all the production stuff just for backers, or figure out special pinups, etc. But I think making the completed comics free is fine. We aren't paying you to keep it private just for us.


Yes. It's nice to have early access as-is, so publishing everything after a bit isn't as offensive.


Yes. I'm really just here to get Wips and support you! I first found your work through your Pixiv page, and was amazed by it, which lead me to the decision to support you. If I only ever saw teasers for it, I might have paid just to see it, and not to support you, the artist, because of the incredible work you do! I hope my reasoning makes sense lol.


Yes. You've already done some fanbox-only benefits, like those idea threads for the various character weeks. From the beginning, you always advertised it as seeing work early.


Behind the scenes work, like how you come up with and design characters, ideas you've started but dropped, things like that.




Yes - if this is what you want and that it doesn't cause you financial issues I mean, a lot of people (including me) went here and supported you to see your works in addition to support you so it's a high incentive 🤔 Thus, making your works fully public might cause a drop in supporters (I guess). If this is not an issue for you then of course, you can do whatever you want in my opinion? I might be a good idea though on the plan list to clearly tell people that the works will be made public and that their support is entirely to...support you (aka "no compensation"). So people who might complain that they paid for the works would at least be warned. I mean, I kinda understand them, it's like paying 60$ for a game then find out it's free to play a few years later 😂 But in the end it's up to you: it's your work, so your decision. That's what I think and I'll keep supporting you no matter what you choose!

Pedro Villacort

Yes. Also I would love to see just more ryona content from both RWBY and Beast wrestlers! As well as more matches based on the stories you have already written, if that makes sense?


Yes If you want your work to be seen then its your right to release your stuff publicly. I believe you keep your content paywalled long enough that there's a nice gap for those who pay to see it early and those with the patience for it to come out in full. It's a model I've seen many fanfiction writers use, where viewers can subscribe to Patreon/Subscribestar/whatever to view chapters however many weeks early, but they still get released in the end with enough time. It's a legitimate business strategy for people who's main source of income is these sites, but it works just as well for anyone wanting to strike your kind of balance