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Wholesome ryona is an interesting idea! It is thanks to pedro I figure the two sandwiching Maogiri's shaft! This is a super hot piece in my opinion! I loved this!

A classic 'Anra came too much in her' moments! Maybe i shud make him the next character day to have the jizziest character

Ruthless as ever, drawing Aogiri's expression to pain and pleasure is a challenge but It's definitely worth it and I had to pick Haff's comment.

Well this ain't fair, I really love Bora too much to say no :' ) all these comments make decisions difficult

Vare, you can ask for only one X^D nonetheless, huge thanks for commenting!! <3

This is super funny to draw, had a good chuckle drawing this. TIME FOR PAYBACK XP

Another one of my favourite after the first piece, if i got the chance to, i really want to do more Maogiri and Aogiri ryonas. The two siblings are the best <3

I remember Jeroski's comment came in last minute and super late and im suffering a goddamn dilemma if I shud draw this or not. In the end, more charlend is good, hence i drew it <3

Next week's theme shall be Anra Hylia!

Similar with before, feel free to put ur suggestion in the comments and I will pick minimum 3 of my favourite comments! :D

Wholesome? Ryona? Gyaku Ryona? Lewd? you name it, I'll try it!

Thank you all so much for providing suggestion!

Rule for suggestion:

-Please use only BBW (priority) or RWBY characters, if you don't know the names you may provide description.

-Please follow the theme, if today's theme is Maogiri please kindly stick with it.

-Comment not following these rules are not entertained

-Please take no offense if your work is not chosen as I will be using randomizer or my own preference.

I promised myself to avoid doing more than 3 but i can't help it!!




My suggestion: Anra being forced to cum until he's passed out by one of the girls.


Anra Hylia pinned down by the octopus lady and forces into an erotic submission would be fun. She could spread his legs apart while riding him <3


Amarath tangle in the ropes with Anra taking advantage of her from behind.


Anra use his finisher on Akame Orochigata, but she mange to counter it by powerbombing Anra on mat. Anra put a bit of juice in Akame, but spread on him and around when hit the mat


Anra screaming out in agony as Patty lifts and stretches his legs apart from behind. In the same Bora adds to the pain by thrusting aggressively into his asshole. Bora grabs Anra's hair and lifts his head up ensuring that he stays conscious through every excruciating second. Here's the reference us.rule34.xxx//images/4641/7a33b7725c0db0b8cd94c0fcbb24a862.jpeg


The RWBY-Characters are always fun. And Blake could really use a win while Neo deserves to be taken down a peg. So, here are two ideas: 1: Anra on the receiving end of Blakes Sexual Finisher, the "Bruxism". 2: Neo on the reciving end of the "Anra Deephold". I'd be happy about either one.


I’d like to see Maria Calavera from RWBY get her stomach inflated by Anra cumming too much. Preferably in the vag, but other holes work too

Karl Kraus

Anra doing the parasitic hold on Blake or on Charlend


Well, considering the bits of characterization you have done for your characters on twitter over the last few weeks, id say that everyones favourite frog-boy is the ideal choice when it comes to taking Fleur down a peg or two.


Alright frog boy! I have a couple ideas.


We all know that Charlend has a weakspot for the smol bois. Anra cumming down Charlend's throat (in a similar position to how she was in the twitter image with Kakoo) and Charlend meanwhile is just squirting all over the place from the deepthroating.


I agree with Tasty in that Anra vs Fleur would be a sight to see. But how about we tip the odds in someone's favor? Fleur doesn't strike me as someone who would fight fair... I'd say she brings in Rotto to help lewd the frog.


Maria Calavera from RWBY deserves more love I'd say... In fact, how about we have Anra bringing both silver eyed girls to their knees with his cum? Anra vs Maria and Ruby


Anra humiliated Leafy and now has to pay the consequences against an enraged (and if you want turned on from seeing Leafy like that) Lamna


A handicap gone wrong as Bora forces him to cum all over his partner (either Charlend, Bovinda, or Aogiri) who is just completely out of it sitting in the corner


We haven't seen Emerald show up in a LONG time. Let's change that. I don't think she would be up for some lewding so Imma suggest her finisher "Knock Knock Who's There?" The one with the bell.

Pedro Villacort

Titan and Anra, anra talks crap to Titan before their match only to be defeated and used as a cock sleeve, maybe in doggy or full Nelson. Just love to see them femboys dominated by other bigger males!


Would love to see maria do a sexual finisher on Anra or vise versa


It be funny if Anra cum capacity is used like a water hose and splash someone with his cum XD.


Lancet vs Anra and Lancet being Lancet goes ahead and the nails Anra in the balls with the ring bell.


Personally, I think it would be interesting to see both master and apprentice (Vans and Fleur) being dominated together by Anra. Maybe Anra cumming inside Fleur in a standing missionary while a knocked out Vana has cum fall over her face and breasts?


Anra getting hard revenge ryona from cumming in charlend so hard


I would love to see more maogiri + aogiri with the two of them. Maybe Anra putting his weight into pushing Aogiris head onto Maogiris dick as he cums in her mouth

Pedro Villacort

Anra and Owen in bed, Anra dominating owen, while maogiri pounds Anra ass. A threesome scene in bed!