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Feel free to comment about what you think of these renders! I'm excited to know!




Damn...Neo's still ruthless with low blow technics, as usual. Can't imagine what kind of punishment poor Blake gonna get on the next episode. I personally like the renders btw, and Yang's abs look amazing!


New rendering pics are nice. it adds more details. but also loses texture information i think. the cloths and their skin looks like same material. and the hairs too. but yes, like 羽撃鬼 mentioned abs look amazing with rendering. I personally prefer without rendering. btw how much time did you had to spent in rendering?


I see! I will make a rendered and lineart only version in the fanbox so if you want you can download them. I'll pay more attention to what you said and perform some fixes. I work eight hours from sunday to friday so i think probably 16hrs so far.


Great work and love the rendering. Do you know how many pages this is going to be?


I can’t wait to see more yang destruction >:D


Hm, never got why it was focused more on the fights then the sex stuff. Though anything with Neo tends to be entertaining. Still hoping to see Neo dom Yang.